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It didnt take too long for me to find Astarion wandering around the glade just where Minnara had suspected he'd be.

I approached, soft footsteps not going unnoticed by Astarion

“Astarion?” I called out to him

No reply came from the half-elf as his focus was on something else,something hidden in the tall grass at his feet.

I walked closer to Astarion,gently moving the tall grass aside to reveal a small necklace. I bent to retrieve it and held it up for my lover to see it clearly.

“Is this yours my love? Was this what you were searching for?” I asked him.

Astarion relaxed seeing the jewelry dangling in my outstretched hand.

"Yes it slipped out of my pocket.  It's for Minnara. I was cruel to her earlier and I need to make it up to her. I was out here foolishly rehearsing my apology. I'm not surprised she sent you out here to retrieve me though." Astarion sighed running a hand through his silver curls making a mess of his usually impeccable hairstyle.

I looked down at the delicate silver chain. A tiny silver moon pendant twinkled in the evening light. I noticed also that there a tiny ruby in the centre of the moon. I couldn't stop the smile at the attention to detail and care in the gift. Minnara would absolutely love this. It went with the crescent moon earrings I had gifted her for her birthday earlier that month.

I moved in front of Astarion, slipping the necklace into his pale hand, closing my bigger hand over his,giving him a light squeeze.

When I met Astarion's red gaze I told him softly," She's going to love this. You know her so very well.  So you must also realize how worried she is about you? You know how fiercely that she loves you.  You have to know she'd never do anything to purposely hurt you. Let her speak with you and explain everything.She needs to see you my love."

I moved my arms gently around Astarion to pull him even closer against my big body,“Or perhaps we could take a few moments out here to blow off some steam before we get back to our woman?”

I smirked at Astarion loving how he started squirming at my suggestion.

My lips gently brushed against Astarion's tipped ear,causing him to shiver in my arms. I loved seeing Astarion come apart, letting himself go in these rare intimate moments between us.

I also felt ashamed that I hadn't made more time to be like this alone with Astarion recently.  Perhaps if I had made more of an effort, the fight between the two people I loved most in the world could have been avoided all together.

I noticed how rigid Astarion was in my arms and it hurt knowing this beautiful male couldn't let himself simply enjoy this.

While I knew Astarion loved me,I also understood the love Astarion had for me paled in comparison to the absolute worship he had for our shared love. I thought I should feel jealous about it but my nature wouldn't let me be. I understood better than most how to navigate the complexity and nuances of the unique relationship we were in.  My needs were being fulfilled even if sometimes I felt slightly like an outside observer to a gorgeous couple whose love for eachother was the stuff people wrote about in novels and sang about in songs.  My loves were soulbound. Even if they couldn't see it themselves and it was my duty to nuture and protect that love.

“You need not say anything, I know you like it when I take control. So what do you say I lead you away and do whatever I want with you for a few hours….”I looked Astarion up and down. Astarion’s face was bright red as he nodded his head in agreement.

“I-I suppose…if you desire it…” Astarion's hands slowly moved to slide around my waist aswell.

I moved against Astarion, loving how his slim body pressed against mine.
“Oh,that I do…”

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