They usually wouldn't deal with her if they didn't deal with her, but that was just a small stumbling block in the Educated Youth Academy. Outside, they were all the same team of educated youth. She couldn't just watch the other party being dragged into the pit.

Among other strange female educated youths, Liu Aiying was incompetent and Zhao Meili couldn't ignore her.

Seeing that Zhao Meili was being asked questions one after another, and soon couldn't recite, Teacher Chen adjusted her glasses frame and asked her to go upstairs to the director for review.

Jiang Qiuyue was panicking and trying to think of a way to deal with this situation. She didn't expect Liu Aiying to be impatient. As soon as Zhao Meili went out, she raised her hand and said that she also wanted to answer. The teacher can't favor one thing over another and just give good-looking female educated youths a chance to perform.

Teacher Chen seemed to have been choked. With a twitching smile, Liu Aiying stood up and answered. It was originally a very simple quotation, but Liu Aiying deliberately recited it wrong. She ran out of the classroom and told her to go find the leader to reflect on her mistake.

Liu Aiying ran all the way to the third floor. There was no one in the corridor. She was so anxious that she pushed open the door facing her first, and saw a horrifying scene.

Zhao Meili was knocked down on the carpet by a fat pig. Her clothes were messy and tears were streaming down her face. She held a desk lamp base tightly in her hand and kept beating the other person on the back of the head. The fierceness was coupled with the hatred of silent crying. It looked very miserable.

The fat pig lying on her body had stopped moving and its head fell to one side, allowing her to beat it desperately.

Liu Aiying was so frightened by this scene that she trembled all over. After coming back to her senses, she immediately went in and closed the door, ran up, kicked the fat pig away, and pulled the person out.

She glanced at the motionless person on the ground and stopped Zhao Meili's crazy movements. "Calm down, Comrade Zhao, calm down!" When the other person came back to his senses, covered his face and cried, she went up to look at the fat pig man. , was the bald director of the Educated Youth Office. He was dead, and a large piece of his head was broken into the back of his head.

"I killed someone..." Zhao Meili stood there in a daze, choking and muttering this sentence in a panic.

At the same time, in the classroom on the second floor, Jiang Qiuyue saw that the two of them had not returned, so something must have happened. Zhao Meili couldn't hide her beauty and the dirty looks of those people. Once she fell in love with those people, she would not let them go easily. Liu Aiying went up to help. Another fiery person...

"Teacher, I want to go to the toilet." Jiang Qiuyue suddenly raised her hand and said.

Teacher Chen waved her away and told her not to move around. She went downstairs to the toilet and came back. Jiang Qiuyue agreed well and walked upstairs instead of going downstairs.

There was no one in the corridor, but houses in the 1970s were not very soundproof, and the movement in other rooms could be faintly heard from the door, all of which were dirty and shameful sounds.

Only the sound that sounded like Zhao Meili's crying came from behind the door facing the stairs. Jiang Qiuyue knocked lightly three times. According to her usual habit of knocking on doors, she believed that the other two people would know the door if they were really inside. It was her outside, and if she wasn't there, she would have to take a desperate risk.

Liu Aiying in the room was panic-stricken and helpless, not knowing what to do. After all, someone died. Although the person who died was a beast, if someone discovered it, all the female educated youths would be doomed.

Dressed as an educated youth female supporting roleWhere stories live. Discover now