Chapter 1. New school

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{ third person. }

Luca stood in front of his new school, almost trembling. His family had moved to Genova not even a month ago for reasons no one must know about. His family lived happily in Portorosso for years until the incident happened.

{Luca's pov.}
Three weeks ago.

I walked on the streets in Portorosso, going home to eat dinner with my family as usual. But, as I was walking, I heard kids giggling and laughing. When I looked around to see where it was coming from I saw a few kids standing behind me... With water balloons.

My eyes widened with fear. Before I could have a chance to run they threw the water balloons right at me and before I knew it, I was turned into my sea-monster form.

The kids started screaming and people started looking in my direction. I ran home and locked the door, once it was locked I heard my parents call for me. I ran to them, crying and explaining everything.

My parents looked at each other and within minutes we were packing our stuff, ready to leave town.

We were leaving Portorosso at night. We walked to the train station and waited for what felt like an hour. We hopped on the train, left Portorosso, and would never come back.

{Luca's pov.}

I stared at the school for quite some time until I took a deep breath and entered. I searched for the principal's office for quite a while until I finally found it.

I walked in to see the principal and a girl with noticeable red curly hair sitting at the desk. As soon as my principal noticed me walking in she gave me a warm smile and started talking.

"Ah Luca, please take a seat."

She said as I sat down and gave her a nervous smile. When I was seated the principal continued where she left off.

"Luca, this is Giulia! She will be showing you around and she will have all the same classes as you."

The principal said with the same warm smile. She dismissed us and as soon as we left the office the girl, who I will call Giulia now, grabbed my hand and gave me a big smile.

"I'm so excited to be showing you around! As you know we have the same classes so I will show you around by walking to class with you and during lunch I will show you, the cafeteria of course but, also the library, sports fields, and the bathrooms!"

Giulia ranted while dragging me to class. I listened carefully and before I knew it, we arrived at our first lesson of the day. Giulia greeted the teacher with a bright smile and I introduced myself. I sat down next to Giulia and the teacher welcomed me.

Giulia and I talked to each other for quite some time until some kids entered the classroom and the lesson started. Giulia and I talked to each other almost the whole lesson, we got into trouble 2 times but I didn't mind.

Once class ended she showed me some stuff on our way to class. We entered the classroom and we saw a lot of kids already seated in random spots, Giulia and I looked at each other with a confused look on our faces.

The teacher saw us standing in the doorway and started to speak.

"Ah, Giulia and Luca am I right?"

My little nerd. ‼️DISCONTINUED‼️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن