"he'll get over it." nick said. "it'll bother him for weeks and he might even fight you, but he has no right to be upset because he did the same thing!"

"i can't believe we're doing this." jamie covered her mouth. "first day of school and i'm already plotting revenge."

"it's not revenge." caroline assured her. "we're just giving chris a taste of his own medicine."

"it's all well deserved." nick agreed. matt sighed before taking a smushed sub in a ziploc bag out of his backpack

"i'm gonna feel so guilty about this guys. i don't know what i'll do if chris stays mad at me for long. he's literally my other half."

"matt, you don't have to—"

"jamie, stop." matt looked at her. "i'm doing this for you." he looked down at her hands. "but we aren't starting right away. otherwise it would be too obvious that we're trying to ger to them. we need to ease into it."

"look who suddenly turned into the expert!" isaiah smirked. "what's your plan, matt?"

the group eagerly discussed the newly thought of "operation: get him back." they decided that in the coming weeks, jamie and matt would start acting closer to each other: talking more than usual, walking everywhere together, and even interacting often on social media. they would do this especially in front of chris and paris. once people start catching on about something between them, they would go for a soft launch, maybe on the finstas since not too many people follow it, but chris will still see it.

"this is so mastermind of us." jamie said as they finished up lunch. the bell was about to ring, so they quickly cleared their table and started walking in groups to their next class.

"how you are, actually, jamie?" caroline asked. she had stayed behind to walk with jamie, even though her class was upstairs and jamie's was down.

"i've been better, definitely." jamie replied. the two started walking toward the building. "nick told me about you and paris. i'm sorry, carol." caroline waved her off.

"please, i'm always on your side, james." she said, putting her arm around jamie's shoulders and giving her a side squeeze. "what happened between paris and i was inevitable. we weren't as close as you two were, anyway."

"still." jamie said. "we were all friends. and—" jamie stopped speaking as the new it couple passed them, arm in arm. jamie felt like throwing up. paris glanced back at her and their eyes met for a split second before turning back around. jamie shook her head. 

"i can't believe i have english with her next period. he's probably walking her to english."

"hey, at least he's not in your class. first and last period are the only times you guys are actually going to have to talk at some point this year." caroline said.

"yeah." jamie shrugged. "to be honest, i'm praying the art teacher doesn't seat us alphabetically like mrs. hadley did. i cannot go through that again." caroline scoffed.

"please, with your luck, you'll be paired with him instead of infront of him." jamie sighed, knowing caroline was probably right. 

"i'll see you later." she said, giving the girl a hug once they arrived at the class. 

"bye, james. text me if you get bored." 

"i will." jamie walked into the classroom. she noticed the perfect empty seat right in the middle of the row by the wall. she loved sitting against the wall. it was the greatest opportunity to take a nap. she sat down and decided this was officially this year's nap class.

"this seat taken?" a voice snapped jamie out of her thoughts. she looked up at paris and at the seat right next to her. she didn't really want to speak to paris at all. or ever again for that matter. but she didn't want the teacher to see her being mean. especially since students were now starting to fill up the other empty desks. 

get him back! , chris sturniolo.Where stories live. Discover now