[King's Landing - Beach]

Richard and Gendry are walking towards the boat Richard left on the beach.

"Keep your father's name to yourself. The situation is complicated enough already."

They arrived at the boat and Gendry laid his hammer on top of the cargo. Richard was gathering the anchor and rope.

Two Goldcloaks began walking down the beach towards the boat unnoticed by Richard and Gendry.

"Who should I say I am?" Gendry asked.

Richard turned and noticed the two guards approaching the boat. He turned and loudly addressed Gendry.

"I told you, Clovis, if we don't get out of here soon someone is going to-"

"You there." The first guard said.

Both guards had their hands on their weapons ready to draw.

Richard started walking towards the guards and spread his cloak open while Gendry remained by the boat. "No weapons, friends. I promise. What can I do for you?"

"Is that your boat?"

"It is."

Gendry looked down into the boat and saw his weapon in plain view.

"The docks are that way." The second guard informed them.

"That they are. I try to stay away from them to avoid good men such as yourselves." Gendry said.

The two guards look at each other and chuckle.

Richard retrieved a coin purse and opened it. "Still five gold dragons?"

"Are you joking?" The first man questioned.

"You must be even older than you look. Fifteen."

"Fifteen?" Richard asked.

"A piece."

He angrily reached into his pouch and paid the men. "I can't say it was a pleasure doing business with you." He turned and began walking back to his boat.

"What's in the boat?"

Richard paused and turned back to the guards. "Not more gold."

"Wine?" The second guard guessed.

"Mmm." The first hummed in delight.

"I like wine."

"Or hams."

"Come and have a look." Richard offered.

The guards walked over to the boat. As they approach, Richard walks to the boat and pulls a cover to reveal the cargo. As he pulled back the canvas, he threw it over Gendry's exposed weapon, covering it from view. There are several baskets of fermented meat. The guards twisted their faces in disgust.

"Fermented crab." He explained.


"Fermented crab. One bucket of this triples the brothel's earnings for the week. A man thinks he's done, he's ready to go back to his loving family, but before he gets his britches up his lady of the hour pops a tiny spoon of that into his mouth. Five minutes later, he's back in the race. Here, have a taste."

Richard scooped up a bit of fermented crab and offered it to the guards. Both men reached out and took a pinch. The guards sniffed the crab and put it in their mouth. They both recoiled from the taste and looked at each other.

"I'd hurry to your favorite establishment or you'll put a whole in that chainmail." Richard told them.

The guards and Richard laughed. They turned and started walking back towards the city. Gendry nodded at them as they went.

Tyrion appeared at the top of the stairs leading to the beach. The Goldcloaks saw him as he was walking down the path. Tyrion walked by the guards and they exchanged glances.

The guards stopped and turned back toward the boat.

"Oi, Dwarf!"

Richard quickly walked to cut the guards off. "I really wouldn't try anymore until you see how the first bite hits you."

"That dwarf-"

The guards blew past Richard and began talking to Tyrion.

"Where did you get that scar?" The first asked.

"Fish hook. Some men you just can't teach." Tyrion replied.

"We was looking for a dwarf with a scar like that awhile back." The second man added.

Richard was still standing behind the guards. He retrieved his gold pouch again and held it up, shaking it. "Perhaps there's some arrangement?"

The two guards turned back to Richard.

"Arrangement? You gonna arrange to pay us more than Queen Cersei?"

Gendry slowly retrieved his hammer and crept up behind the second guard. He swung his hammer and connected with the side of the guard's head. The man dropped. The first guard turned to look and caught a hammer blow to the face.

Richard was looking at Tyrion and motioned towards Gendry. "This is Gendry."

"He'll do."

The men grabbed onto the boat and began to push it into the water.

[Red Keep - Cersei's Chambers]

Jaime opened the door and stepped into the queen's room.

Cersei was seated near a window speaking to Qyburn. "That won't be necessary."

Qyburn bows his head and walks to leave the room. As he passes by Jaime he addressed him. "Ser Jaime."

He closed the door as he left, leaving Jaime and Cersei alone. She began walking over to a chair in front of Jaime and sat.

"Why was Qyburn here?"

"He's Hand of the Queen. Why are you here?"

"I met with Tyrion."

Cersei paused for a moment making Jaime uncomfortable. "What did our brother have to say?"

"Daenerys wants to meet."

"To discuss a surrender?"

"To discuss an armistice."

"She just won a great victory. Why would she want a truce now?"

"Because an army of dead men is mqrching on the Seven Kingdoms. Tyrion claims he'll have proof."

Cersei smirks and looks away from Jaime. "Are you going to punish him?"



Jaime looked confused.

"He betrayed you. He set up a meeting without your knowledge or consent. Do you think anything of importance happens in this city without me knowing?

Jaime shook his head. "You let it happen. Why?"

"I've come to believe that accomodation with the Dragon Queen could be in our immediate interest. She has the numbers. If we want to beat her, we have to be clever. We have to fight her like father would have. Dead men, dragons and Dragon Queens, whatever stands in our way, we will defeat it ourselves for our house. For this." Cersei lifted her hands from the chair and places them both on her stomach indicating she's pregnant.

Jaime was noticeably shocked. "Who will you say is the father?"


"People won't like that."

Cersei stood from her chair and walked in front of Jaime. "Do you remember what father used to say about people?"

"The lion doesn't concern himself with the opinions of the sheep." Jaime reached forward and grabbed Cersei, kissing her.

While they embrace, Cersei spoke to him. "Nevr betray me again."

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