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With every month that passed, you all grew closer. While Yuta practiced with Maki, You practiced with Inumaki. In the meanwhile sometimes Satoru is used to drop by to bring souvenirs from each destination he traveled to kill curses and help to train you too.

Inumaki's cursed speech didn't work upon you and everyone could only wonder why. You concluded that it could be because you didn't belong to this world and maybe each and every curse of this world will never affect you. This became your strongest point among everyone. Of course, you couldn't tell the former part that you didn't belong to this world but you did tell everyone that curses don't affect you. Satoru could not help himself with this great news and he tended to become more and more closer to you.

"Y/n, you should focus more while practicing" Inumaki spoke as he walked towards you covering his mouth again. You were lacking focus for a while now on purpose. You were really surprised at the fact that your powers are growing stronger in a very short time, this would seek the attention of the other higher-ups, creating future concerns.

"Wow, look at Toge he has already started calling L/n-chan with her first name" Panda exclaimed as he made a cringe-loving face. But no matter how cringe he looked right now he was the cutest to you. You always dreamt of petting him which he allowed you whenever you asked him.

"I asked him to, and please Panda-senpai, you call me by my first name too" You replied to Panda with a genuine smile.

"Salmon-salmon" Inumaki voiced from behind.

"Toge-senpai, I want to rest a bit, can I?" Toge nodded in response. You opened your jacket revealing a black cropped tank top, wearing shorts beneath. You sat on the bench nearby and drank water, relaxing yourself.

Toge when he got to know that he could speak to you clearly, he became the happiest. For a long time, he has kept his feelings and words hidden, due to the fear of hurting his closest. At first, he considered his speech a curse to him, but when you entered his life, he became very grateful to you. As more time passed, he started to share every detail with you, and his emotions for you developed immensely. Toge did not even notice when his emotions turned into love.

"L/n-chan, it's not fair that you don't allow me to call your first name like others" With a cunning curvature upon his lips, Satoru took the closest seat to you.

"Of course, you are my teacher you can call me in whichever way you like" You turned your face towards him to reply. Satoru wore a basic turquoise shirt and greyish pants, outlining his lean muscles profoundly, still covering his eyes with his goggles. Thinking about this, you still haven't seen his eyes and the reason behind why he covers his eyes.

"Y/n..." Satoru whispered close to your ears with a groan which made your heart start beating faster, making you sensually aroused. You blushed intensely but successfully you hid it from Saturo.

Satoru intentionally led his body forward to touch you in the maximum way possible. Whenever he was with you, he wanted to feel you all over him. At first, he was only interested in your powers but soon became attracted to your soul as well as every part of your body.For now, Satoru wanted to grab you hard against his body and hide his face among your long strands of dark-inked hair. He wanted to carry you to his room, throw you upon his bed, and to start kissing every inch of your body, finally meeting his lips to yours. At the thought of this, he started to stimulate enormously. He wanted you to rub his dick while he suck your breast and then, stir fucking you hard and rough.

His thought got interrupted by your voice.

"Gojo-san..." You faced opposite to him and spoke but Satoru's face was still close to our ears, staring deep into you.

"Uh ha, Y/n, call me Satoru..." He groaned again at the last words which not only this time made you sensually aroused but also sexually. This made you beautifully uncomfortable, hence you increased the gap between you two.

You quickly covered up your arousal and proceeded with your conversation."Satoru-san, why do you always cover your eyes?" You asked.

Satoru quickly removed his goggles and made you mesmerized by his soothing sky-blue pupils surrounded by white eyelashes. It was so unreally stunning for you."Because it's too captivating to be left uncovered" He caught you off guard, your expression was dumbfolded now. This was the stupidest reason you could think of.

"Hahaha," Satoru laughed at your expression and continued his motive to approach you now with his voice changed back to normal "Y/n-chan, You'll be sent back to some abandoned village with a guy named Megumi, who is your identical age. He will be joining the same year as you. So I and Nanami has decided for you guys to train together constantly for half a year"

You looked at him with an emotionless face trying to process his words. You were happy being settled here, now he is making you shift again.

"Oh and after half a year you can join back, and meet your friends again, especially me," He let out a light chuckle.

"I see, then I'll accept the offer. Let me know when we leave" You stood up from your seat and waved to Satoru your bye before joining your practice with Inumaki again.

Satoru looked at you with an unknown feeling flowing through his veins. You made him go crazy.

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