3|Fine, i'll fucking marry you!

Start from the beginning

"You know what? Fuck you and you're stupid paper!" I shout.

I stand up and try to leave only for a rough hand to pull me to a rock hard chest.

"Either you signed the fucking paper, or I shoot you." His voice comes out hard and menacing.

The sound of a gun clicking brings the realization that he has a gun pointed at my head. "Your choice, princess." He says with a smirk.

"I-I fine,i'll fucking marry you! But first get the gun away from my head." I shout tears streaming down my face.

"I hoped you'd pick that." He slowly moves the gun away, throwing it on his desk.

"We'll go shopping for you're dress today." He says wiping away my tears before putting his hands in his pocket.

I take a deep breath, calming my nerves. "Is that all?" I ask, avoiding eye contact.

"Sign the file." He nods holding a pen out for me to take.

I take the pen and quickly signed the paper before throwing the pen back to me. He catches it like it's nothing, only angering me more.

"You may leave now."

I hurriedly leave, not wanting to spend a minute longer in his presence.

"Sir we're here." The driver says.

We get out, heading inside the boutique. "Nicolas?" The woman behind the counter says, hugging him.

"What brings you by?" She asks, ignoring me.

"My fiancée would like to try on some dresses." He nods towards me.

"Oh, nice to mee you." She says with a fake smile shaking my hands.

I try not to roll my eyes when she wipes her hand on her dress.

"Follow me."

Nicolas takes a seat on the couch sipping on his drink while I tried on countless dresses.

"This is the one." I say, smiling at myself in the mirror.

"Great! I'll pack it up." One of the workers says helping me out of the dress.

"Let's go" Grabbing the bag, we make our way to the car.

The car stops outside a restaurant.

Ignoring Nicolas's help, I get out of the car, walking ahead of of him.

The waiter leads us to our table which is away from everyone else. "What would you like to order?" We both order pasta and I order wine while Nicolas orders Whiskey.

The air is thick with tension as I try not to make eye contact, looking at my hands like their the most interesting thing in the world. "You can't ignore me forever."

"I want to work after we get married." I say looking up.

"Done." He immediacy says.

I look at him in surprise. I expected a no.

"What do you mean by "done"? I question.

"You can be my assistant."

"I'm not going to be your assistant." I can barely stand his presence much less working with him everyday.

"Fine, i'll find a vacant spot in my company-" A gun shot echos causing me to scream.

"Get under the table." Nicolas shouts pulling out a gun.

I quickly obey, covering my ears with my hands.

"C'mon" Nicolas grabs my hand, taking us to the other end of the room shielding me with his body.

More bullets ring through the air, as I hug him tight. "You're going to be alright." He whispers.

"Sir there all dead." A man covered in blood says walking into the room.

He nods putting his gun away. "Take her home. Not a single scratch should get on her."

"Wait-" I try to say.

"Now." He shouts.

I jump, hesitantly following the man. Dead bodies flooded the place as blood covered every corner of the restaurant.

I cover my mouth, as bile rises to my throat.

I lean my head against the window as the car pulls out of the parking lot. "Thank you." I say to the driver who offered me water.

I close my eyes leaning back on the seat, just wanting this day to be over.

"Where the hell were you and what the fuck happend at the restaurant?!" I exclaim, as Nicolas walks into the house, hair messy and clothes all wrinkled.

"I was taking care of something and you don't need to worry about that." He takes seat on the couch manspreading, ordering someone to get him a drink.

"What do you mean I don't need worry about that?! I almost lost my fucking life!" I exclaim.

The maid gives Nicolas his drink before running out the room.

He takes a deep breath. "It's all taken care of. Nothing like that will ever happen again."

"Who were they?" I ask.

"No one." Taking a sip of his drink, he runs his hand through his hair.

"Who were there?" I once again ask, gritting my teeth.

"They were no one alright! Now would you stop fucking pestering me?!" He shouts, finally loosing his cool.

"Well I'm sorry for wanting to know who were the people that almost fucking killed me." I shout.

I run up to my room, tears streaming down my face.

I lean against my door, angrily running my hands down my face.

He's hiding something and I'll find out.

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