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"Beep wrong! Do not touch my girl."

They both looked at me with shocked expressions

"Whats going on between you two? Are you like dating? I bet you are! Thats why you keep on saving her from trouble! 

"God do you always have to put your nose everywhere? Or should i teach you not to?"

"Ill call the police if you try to hit me!"

"Ill tell them you harassed me then!" Y/N said, he froze.

"Its not like i don't have a mouth to speak, this is also my situation Kai, i can do whatever i want."

"You fucking bitch!" He got up from the floor and pushed her; and so i grabbed him by the collar and pinned him against the wall

"Where are your manners Mr. Kim? God you need to have a lesson, didnt your parents teach you manners?" 

"Leave me be!"

"Seungmin, stop!" I heard Y/N screaming at me, but i just cant! He needs to be taught a lesson.

"Apologize and swear you'll never go near Y/N again and take these articles down cause shes just a fan or were gonna have a big deal."

"As you said Seungmin she's just a fan and she'll forever be a fan, she SHOULD apologize to me, I'm higher than her and you too! You assholes should apologize fast before I bring my manager so he can talk to you shitholes"

I grabbed my fist and started punching him; "Who are you to call yourself higher than us!? HUH?! WHO ARE YOU TO TELL US WE SHOULD APOLOGIZE TO YOU?! You should first respect young people before we respect you, asshole. You respect, we respect you back, you don't, we don't. But what you did to Y/N is called harassing you fucking shit! YOU ALMOST RAPED HER! LEAVE US ALONE!

Y/N's pov

Kai is doomed, Seungmin's angry punches are very dangerous and could actually kill you, there are low chances Kai is gonna survive his punches, i tried to stop him but he didnt budge, so i called Chan, and he arrived straight away? uhh okay...

"SEUNGMIN ENOUGH!" Chan grabbed him preventing him from punching Kai. Seungmin tried getting out of Chan's grip but failed miserably.

"You're lucky Chan stopped me from killing you, you fucking shithead. Consider yourself lucky. Chan Hyung, let's call his company when we arrive back home. Y/N let's go." With that he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the car, opened the door for me and they both sat In the front seat, Chan was driving. The whole car ride was silent. I looked at the window before blacking out completely.

3rd person Pov

While Chan was driving, Seungmin looked behind to see if Y/N is doing okay, only to see her in a deep sleep.

"She's asleep isn't she?" Chan asked, Seungmin nodded

"Why did you stop me?"

"Your punches kill"

"Do I look like I care?"

"Seungmin, you should, your idol image is on the line and you have a job, you're a big celebrity what will the company and the fans say about you? Your career will be destroyed!"

"I don't give two flying fucks about these things!"

"What do you care about then?"

"Y/N, I care about Y/N"

"Seungmin, she can defend herself."

"Chan, you saw the scene infront of you, did she look like she can defend herself? No! If I hadn't stepped in she would've got beaten up by now, and has bruises all over her! You don't get it do you?"

"Seungmin I do get it, but isn't it just cause you overreacting a little?"

Seungmin glared at the eldest in the car and then said;

"I told you, you don't understand"

"What I do know is that you should stop beating people up cause you're gonna pay for it by your career"

Seungmin stayed silent the whole ride, he knows that Chan is right, but he just cannot not include himself in Y/N's problems. He thinks that her problems are his fault.

Time Skip

After 20 minutes, we arrived back to the skz house, and Y/N was still sleeping, so i had to carry her to the house. When Chan opened the door, everyone was standing infront of the entrance including 2 staffs. 

"Oh my god what happened??" Iseul said as she saw me carrying Y/N

"Shes fine, shes just sleeping." Chan said, clearly annoyed and upset  by my behavior.

I pushed everyone out of the way as I went upstairs to Y/N's room, and laid her down.

I kissed her forehead and whispered: "Goodnight, Y.N", as i closed the door

Little did he know, that Y/N was awake...

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