Chapter 13

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"Are you sure you don't want to come with me?" Sophia asked for the third time.

After I left the hotel in Montreal, I'd called Sophia. 

I didn't have a plan beyond getting out of there and as soon as I was, I realized that I had nowhere to go. Through tears, I'd barely explained to her what happened, and she went right into rescue mode, booking me a ticket on the next possible flight and organizing a car to get me to the airport. And when I'd landed in Nice, she'd been waiting with open arms. I'd never been so thankful for having her in my life.

That was two days ago, and I hadn't left my bed since.

"No, Sophia. I just want to stay here," I grumbled from beneath my covers, which were pulled up around my head. She was heading out to the beach with some of our friends and thought the sun may help my mood. But nothing was going to help, I wasn't ready for it to.

She sighed. "Okay, fine. But know that you have about three more days of wallowing before I turn on the tough love."

"Great, cannot wait," I replied dryly and heard her sigh again as I burrowed deeper into the blankets.

"Call me if you need anything or if you change your mind," she said as she gathered her phone and threw it in the small bag, she had with her. "When I get home, we can order pizza and watch Vampire Diaries."

With that she was gone, and I was left alone. I rolled over and gazed at the ceiling. What a mess.

I felt completely numb, replaying Saturday afternoon repeatedly. Hell, I'd been replaying everything - Lorenzo hating me so much, Charles flirting with me all the time. It seemed that both brothers had cast me aside from the beginning - deciding that I wasn't worthy of their respect. I knew that I came from a different world than them, that I wasn't as polished as some of the girls the brothers usually dated, but did that mean I deserved to be treated like that?

I couldn't help but feel ashamed, as though it was my fault for not being good enough. 

If I was different, would it have ended differently? Maybe if I'd grown up in Monaco like Sophia and Arthur, or if my family came from money? The what ifs had my head spinning.

A knock on the door broke me out of my thoughts, but I ignored it. It was probably one of our friends and while I was sure Sophia had probably given them the update on me and Arthur, I wasn't ready to face anyone. It's why I didn't go to the beach today.

But instead of whoever it was going away, they knocked louder.

With a deep sigh, I got out of bed and answered the door.


Standing before me was Arthur, who looked like shit. He had dark circles under his eyes, and his hair was disheveled, as if he'd been running his hands through it nonstop. He looked like he hadn't slept in days.

Did I look this bad?

"Em, thank god. I didn't think anyone was here. Can we please talk?" He sputtered as he pushed into my room.

"I didn't invite you in," I said to him as he moved further inside, sitting on Sophia's bed.

"Well, I didn't think you'd want to talk in the hall."

"No, but I don't want to talk to you at all."

He sighed and stood up, moving back towards the door where I was still standing.

He took my hands, and I pulled away. "Please, don't touch me."

He looked like I had burned him, but nodded and took a slight step back. "Em, please. I am so sorry. Please just let me explain."

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