"What?" San spluttered. "But- he does it too!"

"And I have no doubt that you are the one who started it."

He supposed the prince wasn't wrong there. "Fine," San conceded. "I will not make any more rude faces to your guard."

Yeosang did not look appeased.

"And," San added. "I will not say anything rude to him." In front of you.

Finally, Yeosang nodded. "I am pleased. Apology accepted."

San stood up, offering an arm to help the prince up. Yeosang took it warily even though San had no ulterior motives. He could be quite charming when he wanted to be. He helped Yeosang rise and pulled him closer. "Don't think about me too much while you're done."

Yeosang leaned away, and San let him go. "You are far too arrogant," Yeosang told him, face red. The prince could say all he wanted, but his body's reactions didn't lie. "I really must get ready to leave now," he then said, almost regretfully.

"I shall be eagerly awaiting your return," San told him. He'd said the same thing yesterday at the ball, but that was for show in front of the Queen. This time, he meant it. For good measure, he grabbed Yeosang's delicate hand and kissed the knuckles. The prince looked like he was about to combust.


Yeosang had learned his lesson. He regretted not bringing Wooyoung to the wedding, and he would not do the same for their trip to Cheshire. He knew he'd made the right decision the minute the guard's eyes brightened that morning. "As it pleases you, my prince."

They would be in a new kingdom. Arguments aside, Yeosang felt he would be safer with a guard present. And he trusted no one to keep him safe but Wooyoung.

The carriage ride would be torture, though. He would share one with his parents; Jongho and Yuna shared a second, and the servants they'd brought along shared a third. The ride would take almost a full day. A full day alone with his parents in such a small space.

At first, the small talk was bearable enough. A discussion of last night's wedding and how much they were looking forward to seeing Cheshire.

"That girl you danced with yesterday was very pretty," the Queen remarked. "Did you know that she is a princess?"

He didn't, but he wasn't surprised. "Indeed, she was very beautiful. Though, I was not aware that she is a princess."

"Perhaps you would like to meet her again. She is from a kingdom not too far from here, and I am friendly with their Queen."

"Yes, perhaps," Yeosang agreed vaguely. If he did not put up a fight, the day's ride would surely be more bearable.

Even the King gave him a rare smile at the words. Yeosang felt a shred of happiness at making his parents happy. "You are growing up fast, son," his father said. "When we return, I would also like to arrange lessons more suited to preparing you for becoming King. I am certain you will find a wife soon."

The King looked so weary. The lines around his eyes had gotten deeper, his skin more ashen. Being a ruler for so long had taken its toll on his father. "I will attend those lessons with pleasure," Yeosang said. "There are still many things I need to do to prepare for becoming King."

The Queen clasped her hands together. "This is lovely. Things are coming along quickly now."

They were acting as if Yeosang had already agreed to marry the girl, but he would not correct them. He would not dwell on the future, or his parents' delusions.


When the carriages finally stopped moving and the visitors were escorted into the castle, it was immediately apparent that they were not in Aurora anymore. Even the architecture in Cheshire presented a stark contrast to Aurora. The palace was not even half the size of Aurora's and it was made of a grey stone that made the whole place feel cold and dark, even in the middle of summer.

There was no welcoming ball for them. Yeosang, his parents, Jongho, and Yuna were simply brought to the throne room where Cheshire's King and Queen stood. They looked younger than Yeosang's parents, though harsher. Still, their smiles were genuine when they greeted their only daughter.

As he was expected to do, Yeosang bowed to the King and Queen and dipped his head to recognize Cheshire's prince--Taehyun, if Yeosang remembered correctly. The prince looked to be between Yeosang's and Jongho's age; perhaps 18.

Yeosang was then separated from his parents so he could be shown his room. Princess Yuna assured him that he would be called for when it was time for dinner. A female servant asked Yeosang to follow her, and Yeosang made sure Wooyoung came with them before trailing behind her.

It didn't take long before he was brought to a room that was nice enough, though smaller than his own at home. Wooyoung, who had been carrying the bags Yeosang had packed, placed them down with care.

The female servant looked at Wooyoung. "We were not planning on hosting servants in addition to the royal family. There are no more private rooms available, so you will have to try to find a spare bed in the servants' quarters."

"Try?" Yeosang questioned.

"Indeed, the quarters are already quite full."

"And what if he cannot find a place to sleep?"

The female servant did not seem to be as bothered by this as Yeosang was. "He may find a place on the floor, I suppose. There is no other option, Your Highness."

"I will manage," Wooyoung said. Yeosang wasn't sure who he was talking to. Either way, Yeosang dismissed the servant, who left quickly with a bow.

Yeosang hadn't spoken to Wooyoung in two days aside from what was necessary. "Wooyoungie, I cannot ask you to sleep on the floor. If you cannot find a bed, come back here. Just do not let anybody see you."

Looking distressed, Wooyoung said, "Your Highness, I do not think that would-"

"That is an order, Wooyoungie."

Wooyoung nodded. Yeosang wondered if he was doing the right thing. Perhaps Wooyoung would not want to share a room with someone like him. Yet the corners of the guard's mouth twitched as if he was holding back a smile. "As you wish, Yeosang."

Yeosang smiled, too. They were back to using nicknames. He thought back to something Wooyoung had said the night of their argument. 'Either you are my friend, or you are my boss.'  It seemed that he could be both.

The Spoiled Prince || WooSanSangМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя