-The Dark Sea/Amiss (3)-

Start from the beginning

"Do you have a goal?" Kree asks.

Mao grabs a bottle of rum, crammed under the desk, and takes a swig.

"Yeah, I've told you already- saving Evander."

"No, no. I mean before this mess broke out. Everyone has a Goal, what's yours?" He hops out of the chair, swiping the bottle from Mao and taking a sip.

"Hm, I mean, there has always been this one thing on my mind- since I was a child, but I don't know." He tries to avoid the conversation.

"Come onnn, I can sense something is hiding in that dull brain of yours."

Mao takes the bottle back, offended by Kree's comment, and takes a huge sip.

"Ugh, Okay. Damn kid, you don't give up." He adjusts his clothing, "When I was younger, I had a dream- I was walking up this hill, actually, it resembled one back home. Anyways, I was walking up the hill while holding my sword and as I got to the very top, I looked down. My village had become an enormous utopia- everything you could possibly imagine. I would say my dream originally was to refurbish the village and create the perfect place for people, but now that it's all gone, I guess I'd rebuild it- with my boy."

We can see Kree's face as he is sunk inside the chair- a single tear drop on his cheek. He sits up, adjusting his clothing.

"That was...... really wholesome." Holding back tears.

"Yeah, yeah. Now I wanna hear about you. You give off this tone."

"Me? What about me? My life really isn't all that." He hops out of the chair, turning his direction to the window.

Mao followed, walking behind the boy as he stood there looking out into the sea.

"Are you sure about that? Your father sounds like a smart guy and that bag definitely has a story to tell." Mao states.

Kree suddenly looks distressed, still watching the waves as they swoosh to the right. A row of seagulls fly by the boat, creating a triangle formation in the sky. Mao looks up at it, amazed.

"Now that's something you don't see every day."

Right as Kree turns, slowly opening his mouth to speak, the sound of a crash comes from the side of the boat- sending the two flying to the side. Mao grabs the edge of the table, nailed to the ground, and grabs Kree before he can fall through the glass window.

"WHAT WAS THAT!" Kree shouted, coming to his feet again.

"I don't know. But that window completely shattered." Mao says, walking slowly over to the window.

In the distance, an ENORMOUS storm can be seen moving closer to the boat. Mao steps on a couple pieces of glass, peeking his head out. A rain drop then falls, landing on his head- and in that moment, a sheet of rain comes falling down.

The boat creaked as the waves of the Dark Sea whipped into the side. Mao and Kree falling to the left. In an attempt, they tried to make it to the deck- leaping over fallen crates and barrels. The crew frantically ran around the deck- guiding the sails as Mao made it up to the wheel- holding onto it tightly. Kree grabbed onto the railing, shouting out to Mao,


"JUST HOLD ON, KID!" Mao shouted, quickly turning the wheel left, "I'LL GET US THROUGH THIS STORM."



Worried, Kree jumps in front of Mao- grabbing the wheel.

"I'll control the ship; you get down in the cabin and figure out where the hell we should be going!" He shouts to Mao, watching him quickly run to the stairs- slipping and falling down to the deck.

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