"Remus, mate?" Sirius asked.

"They took her."

"What?" He asked, worried, putting behind all hostility between the pair.

"Juliet, they took her."

"Who did? When? I was just with her?"

Remus' eyes snapped up, "what?"

"I patrolled with her, until just before six this morning."

"That's why she was fully dressed," he murmured.

Sirius shook his friend's shoulder.


"Damien Jones was murdered this morning, at five o'clock. They've just taken Juliet in for the murder."


"Someone told Colin that there's a spy, he told the aurors 'here's your spy.' They came, and they took her," he said, swallowing back a sob.

Sirius quickly hugged his friend, regretting the space that had been between the marauders, and feeling guilty for everything he had said about Remus.

"Let's go."


Sirius grabbed him and apparated him to outside of a red telephone box.

"The ministry," Sirius muttered, "used to come with Orion, know my way around fairly well."

The two wizards sprinted through the Ministry of Magic, towards where Sirius promised Juliet would be being held and questioned. When they reached the room they knocked.

"No use, boys," Albus Dumbledore said. "They won't let me in either."

"Who's in there with her?"

"The minister for magic, Millicent, as well as a few other officials."

"I was with her," Sirius said. "She and I patrolled today. I have the letters, where we arranged it. I told James Potter about it."

Dumbledore's eyes lit up a little, and he knocked the door, speaking a few commanding words. He entered, and a few minutes later, the door opened fully, revealing Juliet bound to a chair, looking half-conscious.

"Cruciatus," Sirius whispered to Remus as they entered, willing himself to stay calm.

Remus however, did not. 

"The fucking cruciatus?" He said, looking straight into the eyes of Millicent Bagnold, the Minister for Magic. "Dumbledore, how could you let this happen?"

The woman stood up stiffly, "it has been legalised, Mr..."

"Remus Lupin," he spat.

Her features softened a little, "I knew your father-"

"I don't give a fuck about my father. You used it on her?"

"It's been legalised for death eaters, Mr Lupin," another woman, who had her wand pointed at Juliet, said.

"She isn't a death eater," he said, his voice raising.

The Minister for Magic glanced at the dark mark on Juliet's arm, and then back at Remus.

"Mr Lupin-"

"I was with her," Sirius interrupted. "Juliet and I patrolled this morning, until just before six o'clock. I apparated her back to outside her flat, and then returned to mine. I have the letters, and I told James Potter about the meeting."

"This is also what she said," an official whispered to the minister.

"It is only your word, we have then, I presume?"

"And what do you have from Colin?" Remus snapped. "His word? He's not even a bloody order member?"

"Sirius is a trusted member, and future order, Millicent," Alastor Moody said from where he stood with Dumbledore. "And, might I add, as is Mr Lupin, and as was Miss Romilly."

"I cannot make decisions based on the word of twenty year olds," the minister shrieked.

"Then allow me to make it for you," Dumbledore said. "We have Sirius' word, and I trust him, we can speak to James Potter. Colin Jones needs to also be interviewed. Allow us to apparate Miss Romilly home, she will be held there. An auror can guard the flat, and I will be the secret keeper. You cannot send a witch to Azkaban based on one young man's word."

The Minister for Magic sighed and nodded, leaving the room.

Sirius and Remus walked back through the Ministry of Magic, neither saying a word to each other. Colin Jones walked past with an official and Remus nudged Sirius.

The dark haired wizard met Colin's eye and said, "liar."

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