Chapter 144 Daily routine of seeing a doctor

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Chapter 144 Daily routine of seeing a doctor

  Five years later……

  Shen Xuyao stayed in the Xu family for five years, and gradually became famous. Many nobles and children of big families also came to see Shen Xuyao for treatment. Although Shen Xuyao only had the strength of the third-level peak, the soul pet masters who came to see the doctor would respectfully call him Doctor Jiang. Over time, the name of Divine Doctor Jiang spread throughout the Card Master Continent.

  Many patients with difficult and miscellaneous diseases would come here admiringly. There are also many young ladies and young masters who are full and have nothing to do. They come to Jiang Yuan from thousands of miles just to see the demeanor of this miracle doctor.

  On this day, Shen Xuyao received a patient. This person was from the Feng family, Feng Hua's cousin, and his father was also a town lord. It was the eldest young master of the town master's family who came to see the doctor, and the second and third young masters of the town master's family accompanied him.

  When feeling the pulse, Xiaoyan told Shen Xuyao that the other party was poisoned, and it was a chronic poison. After learning about this situation, Shen Xuyao didn't say much. He couldn't help but look at the second young master and the third young master. Shen Xuyao found that the third young master of the Feng family looked at him clearly unkindly.

  After glancing at the two brothers, Shen Xuyao looked at the patient. "Young Master Feng, do you feel uncomfortable somewhere?"

  "Oh, I feel uncomfortable all over, and I feel even more uncomfortable after practicing." At this point, Master Feng couldn't help but frown.

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao nodded. Let go of the other person's wrist. "Has Mr. Feng taken a lot of therapeutic drugs recently?"

  "Yes, I have seen several doctors and taken some medicines, but nothing has improved." At this point, Young Master Feng couldn't help but sigh.

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao nodded.

  "Doctor Jiang, what's wrong with my elder brother?"

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao looked at the person who asked the question, it was the Third Young Master Feng. "Oh, it's not a serious illness. It's just that the medicine was taken improperly, and some of the toxins in the medicine were deposited, causing congestion in the muscles and veins."

  "Oh, that's right!" Feng Sanshao was a little surprised when he received Shen Xuyao's answer. He said in his heart: This Jiang Yuan seems to be nothing more than that! Do you still think he is really powerful?

  "Master Feng is a fifth-level soul pet master. I can't refine the potion he needs. In this way, I will write a prescription for Young Master Feng." After speaking, Shen Xuyao picked up a pen and wrote down the name of the potion, and handed it to him. Gave it to Young Master Feng.

  "Thank you, Doctor Jiang!" After bowing their heads and thanking him, the three Feng family brothers followed Xu Ye, the second son of the Xu family, and left Shen Xuyao's courtyard.

  Seeing the four of them leaving, Shen Xuyao frowned and looked at Xu Hong. "I said young master, don't take this from me in the future."

  Hearing this, Xu Hong raised his eyebrows. "What's the matter, is there a problem?"

  "That Feng Huai was poisoned. He was a brother-in-law. His brother poisoned him. If this kind of thing comes to us, we can't care about it. We can't care about it. In the end, we can only end up being inhumane." At this point, Shen Xuyao was very depressed.

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