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27th April 2019:

"Just don't crash," Rose tells her twin sister, as she stands next to Theo. "Yeah, do not do that. We do not want your father or mother to have a heart attack." The Hamilton girl points at her teammate in agreement. "Theo, you were literally my teammate last year, you know how good I am at racing. the fact you've betrayed me by being teammates with Ro, it really hurts my feelings." Ruby jokes as she zips her race suit up. "Arthur!" Theo shouts for the Monegasque boy. "yeah?" He asks, walking to the three with his crush, Chanel Bianchi trailing behind him.

"Make sure Ruby does not crash." Rose points a finger at him. "wha... how do you want me to do that? I look out for myself." He points to himself. "That is actually a valid point." Theo nods her head. "How about we stop stressing about this? I have crashed before, I definitely will again, it's inevitable." Ruby shrugs, making her twin sister and best friend gasp. "You didn't." Theo steps back as Rose clutches her chest. "The wound is still fresh, we literally watched it yesterday, and you are already making jokes." Rose gasps.

"Girls, it is just a movie." Ruby reminds them. "No, it isn't just a movie though. Tony Stark died, do you realize how heartbreaking that is." Rose tears up just thinking about it. "And my sexy girlfriend, Natasha." Theo wipes away a tear. "Aren't they babies?" Ruby spins to look at her teammate and Chanel, to see the driver comforting the fifteen-year-old. "Well done, now you have set her off again." Arthur sighs, shaking his head. "Roman and Theo, is this the reaction everyone has for End Game?" The German girl asks her two other teammates.

"This is where I shush you before you say something inconsiderate to all of us Marvel fans." The Frenchman waves his hands around. "I'm more of a DC fan personally." Roman nods, making Ruby gasp. "You might just be my favourite teammate ever, in my history of teammates," Ruby says making everyone but Chanel gasp. "Who do you think you are?" Theo gasps, and at the same time the other three throw questions to the girl.

"Guys, hurry up!" Harry, Ruby's race engineer shouts from the door. "Coming!" The four formula four racers chorus. "Have a fantastic race everyone, make sure not to crash, especially you," Rose tells them, pointing to her twin as she says the last bit. "I am not going to crash." Ruby rolls her eyes.


"I crashed." Ruby sighs, as she tells Harry over her headphone. "I can see that, Ru. Are you okay?" He asks her, as he looks at the screen in front of him. "I am, my feelings, however, are severely hurt because of that boy." The girl scoffs, as she removes her steering wheel. "Don't you dare," Harry tells her. "Oh, I will dare." The German shakes her head, pulling herself out of the car. "I am so sor..." The boy who crashed into Ruby starts to walk to her. "Are you fucking kidding me!?" Ruby shouts at the blonde boy as she jumps onto the grass.

"I was literally just about to say I'm sor..." The boy says before getting cut off again. "I don't care, you just made me crash. it takes the piss, didn't even get to do one lap." Ruby complains as a red flag is called, and all of the cars go into the pit lane. "Maybe it was your fault, with your shitty driving." The boy raises his eyebrows. "You didn't." Ruby gasps, shaking her head. "Oh, but I did." He nods, folding his arms, and making the twin glare at him. "I really do not like you." The fifteen-year-old huffs. "The feelings mutual, Vettel." The Prema Driver smiles at her, knowing he's getting under her skin by the look on her face.

Ruby was only annoyed because he knew who she was, but she had no clue who the boy standing before her was. "My name is Paul Aron by the way." He tells her, like he just read her mind as he holds his hand out for a handshake. Ruby looks at the hand and scoffs. "I don't exactly care who you are, I do not like you. I could've gone through the whole season not knowing or caring who you were. Just stay out my way, and we won't have a problem." Ruby walks closer to him and whispers.

"Paul and Ruby, we need to take you to the medical to check you over, and make sure everything is okay." A man walks to the two, after getting out of the safety car. "I'm good, I'm pretty sure I would know If I was dying. I'll just walk to my team tent, if you are that worried you can send the medical to me, I don't want to be near him." Ruby complains, pointing to Paul before walking away, watching her car get lifted by a tractor as she walks past it.


"What happened out there?" Rose asks her twin as they sit on a bench. "That kid is so annoying, he said my driving was shitty." Ruby shakes her head. "That kid has a name, Ru and it is Paul Aron." Theo walks to the two with a bowl of tuna pasta. "And Paul Aron is annoying." Ruby scoffs. "It must be a family thing, his older brother Ralf was annoying." Theo sighs, smiling at the memory of two thousand and fifteen season with Ralf, and Zhou when they raced with Prema. "Now that isn't very nice, is it, Theo." The eldest girl spins around to see her old teammate.

"Ralf!" She shouts, running to him and wrapping her arms around his neck. "I am here as well, Dora," Paul speaks up with a cheeky smile on his face. "My favourite boy from Estonia." Theo gasps, unwrapping her arms from Ralf and wrapping them around his younger brother. "Who else do you know from Estonia? Exactly no one, of course, I am your favourite." Paul shrugs. "What is he doing here?" Ruby's voice breaks the two apart from their hug.

"I brought him here to apologise," Ralf reveals, pushing his brother toward the youngest twin. "I do not want to hear it, he said my driving was shitty, that was so rude of him. no sorry will forgive him for that. So I am sorry because you have just walked here for no reason. Have a good day." Ruby says looking at Ralf. "Not you. I hope you have a shitty day." She then turns to Paul, then walks away, leaving the other there. "I tried. That's all I am saying." Paul holds his arms in the air as he leaves the tent.

Authors Note:
it has been a while and I kinda forgot, I'm joking I just didn't know how to start it because first impressions mean everything, so it took ages to write.

I hope you enjoyed reading it! And Paul and Ruby are not getting along. But a little insider told me that Paul has found Ruby very attractive since 2013 but you didn't hear it from me!

I love you all! And make sure you drink your daily dose of water :) ❤️

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 20 ⏰

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