Chapter 82

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Author Note- Just a warning there's a part where Stacy looks back on a suicide attempt near the end of the chapter. I've put it in italics if you want to skip it. It's kind of retconed into the story from 1992 anyway, I almost took it out.
On with the story...

Liam went off to rejoin the last of the tour after he'd been with us a few days but there was no doubt he was coming back to us when all those festivals came to an end. As soon as Liam was gone Lydia got back. It was like she was waiting for him to go.

Her mind was on him as soon as she got in the door. I didn't get chance to welcome her home before she was asking about him.

"Did he come here?" she asked. "After Wembley?"

I quickly thought about my answer. "No."

"Really? He wasn't here at all?"

"He was at his mum's when I spoke to him." I regretted lying.

"I would have thought he'd want to see you and the kids after that mess."

"Well he didn't." I shrugged. "He needed his mum. He didn't want to show up and leave again so soon."

I didn't want her to suspect us, knowing we'd been alone together. I needed to check there wasn't anything left around that would show he'd been there.

"When's he coming over?"

"I don't know. Whenever he wants to." I shrugged. "After the tour they both should be here for the summer holiday with the kids."

"After Wembley I'm so surprised there's a tour to go on. Noel must've lost his head."

"He's only doing the UK ones anyway and it's not all about him. He's the one who keeps flaking."

"So they learnt to manage without him..."

"How was your trip?" I tried to bring our attention to her.

"We should go to Brighton. It's such a nice place. I could move there if it wasn't for being so far away from Mum."

"Really? That good?"

"Its like so open there. It's warmer. The sea is nicer. It's quieter."

"You could take her with you."

"She wouldn't move, Liverpool's all she's known and all she wants to know."

"You're all she's known. She'd come with you or know you'll be back often."

"Would you come with us?"

"I..." I hesitated.

"Wouldn't." she answered for me.

"I would have a lot to think about. The house, the kids' school, Peggy, our friend." I tried to think of reasons to keep us here.

"You wouldn't. You'd stay here."

"What about Hebden Bridge?" I suggested. "That's where the lesbians live. That's not far."

I couldn't imagine living in Hebden Bridge. It was a small village somewhere in Yorkshire. I couldn't live in a little village. Liam wouldn't want it either. Villages were cozy little communities. We needed big cities to blend into.

She didn't really talk about her work. She changed the subject without me realizing it. I needed to get us to focus on us.

"We should go out. We could let Peggy have the kids and stay at a hotel in Manchester or summat." I suggested.

"No, after being away so long I want my own bed."

"What if I take them over and we have a night together here? We'll have a takeaway." I suggested, there had to be something she wanted to do.

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