chapter v. friends? no. civil? yes.

Start from the beginning

syd 💋
didn't deny the rut comment...

rutster 🥸
because we're in a committed
relationship with kids????

roryella 😚
we're so deeply in luv hes
booked a tattoo appt

grump 🤬
ew don't even joke
i'll start gagging bro

the bad fantilli
choke while ur at it

rutster 🥸
shit guys
do u think mark hates me

syd 💋

a dawg 🐶

the good fantilli
eh i'm 50/50

grump 🤬
god i hope so
that's such fun drama

the bad fantilli
yeah he hates u

nicky 😝
no!!! def not!!!

roryella 😚
i can talk to him if u want

rutster 🥸
no that's okay
he'll have to suck it up

grump 🤬
you should tell him that

syd 💋
do not do that

rutster 🥸

roryella 😚
a single peep from that asshole
and i wanna know
i'm not kidding rut
i'll fuck him up

rutster 🥸
yes ma'am 🫡

Lorelai Mendoza was not paying attention to where she was walking, her mind was rather occupied with trying to wrap its head around the stupidity of placing her next class (which started five minutes after her previous one) on the other side of campus.

This meant she had to speed walk, because running would make her look quite stupid. Eyes glued to her phone, reading over a text from Rutger, her body was jolted back as she landed on the floor when she collided with another body.

Mark wasn't paying any attention to where he was walking, but was rather invested in his phone screen. He was stalking his ex girlfriend on Instagram, catching up on the passed year of her life after finally being unblocked. His stalking was interrupted when his body collided with a much smaller one.

"Watch where you're going, asshole." Lorelai muttered, her eyes trained on collecting her few belongings that fell from her hands before getting back off the floor. "Rory?"

Her eyes snapped to Mark, stifling an eye roll. Of course it was him who ran into her.

"Great." She grumbled, side stepping the boy before continuing her trek across campus.

"Wait!" She heard the boy yell from behind her, but she didn't even falter as she kept walking. It didn't take much for Mark to catch up to her, her short strides nothing on his long ones. "Rory, I really wanna talk to you." He explained quickly, reaching out to grab her wrist.

At the skin on skin contact, Rory dug her heels into the ground and spun around instantly, ripping her wrist from his touch. She hated how her skin felt cold without the warmth of his hold. "What do you want, Mark?"

Mark almost winced at her cold tone. "So, I've been thinking-"

"That's never good."

"And we're in the same friend group now, and stuff." He didn't know how to put what he was trying to say without sounding stupid. But he also knew he didn't have a lot of time before the girl decided he wasn't worth her time and shooed him off. The deadpan look, matched with an unimpressed crossing of her arms, didn't help ease his nerves either.

"I was hoping, that maybe, we could be friends." Mark continued before quickly adding, "for the sake of the group, of course."

Lorelai couldn't believe the nerve, but she also couldn't help but think back to the passed hang outs with her newly found friend group. There had been an obvious tension floating in the air, all of a result of her refusing to talk to Mark.

She couldn't possibly be his friend, but she wasn't a child. She could be civil.

"I'm not your friend," she began quickly, watching as the boys shoulders dropped. She hated how she felt bad for hurting his feelings as if he had any regard for hers when he dumped her. "But I can be civil with you."

A sigh of relief was released from the Estapa boy, a small smile tugging at his hips. "Don't smile at me, cause I'm not gonna be your buddy or hold your hand or anything."

Mark nodded his head in understanding, but the smile didn't falter. Lorelai rolled her eyes, fighting the urge to smile at his goofy one.

"Speaking of friends," Lorelai began again, her eyes narrowed at the boy, "be a dick to Rut again and I'll cut yours off, got that Estapa?"

Mark laughed at the girls threat, before forcing a straight face at the sight of her glare. "Loud and clear, Mendoza."

"Don't call me by my last name. I'll see you around, Mark." His name, his actual name, leaving her lips made the boy smile again. Maybe she was done with the name calling, perhaps she was being truthful about being civil with each other. Lorelai began walking down the hall, but not before calling over her shoulder, "you're still an asshole!"

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