Kiss the boy

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Dick Grayson made a promise. He promised to give his life for Wallace Rudolph West. He promised he would love him forever, in silence, in secret, because that's how they rolled. Because Dick could never confess his feelings to the redhead speedster, because he was in a relationship with Artemis and they were happy. Wally was happy, so he couldn't change that by telling him the truth. He couldn't just walk in and say those words.

"Wally, we've been best friends forever, but I am in love with you…"

All those moments Dick wanted to kiss him, to touch him. To let him know how deep their bond was. But it was wrong. Dick knew that sexual preference was something no one chose, but if he could, he would return to being straight. Everything was so simple when it was Zatanna or Barbara, or any other girl. Even Bette. But no, Wally made it all difficult. And he made it better.

The reason Dick slept with many women was because he wanted to forget how deeply in love he was with Wally. He wanted to pretend that he was not bisexual, he wanted to pretend that there was still some "normalcy" in his life. But Dick Grayson had never been normal. And he would never be.

And now it was too late.

Wally was dead. He was gone. He ceased. The Reach Invasion came, they fought and argued, and it broke Dick's heart, and now Wally was gone forever. And the speedster would never know the truth. He would never know how deeply in love his raven haired best friend was with him.

Dick's heart was broken.

But he made a promise to move on. To honor Wally. And that's why he promised he would be there for Wally's cousin, Bart Allen.

It was a small comfort, but Dick wanted to make sure Bart was happy. Because he was Wally's cousin, and so much like him. Dick knew Wally would have wanted that, so maybe that's why he invited Bart for dinner every Wednesday, sometimes to be joined by Tim.

Tim knew. His little brother knew why he did that. Tim was probably the only person in the world who knew why Dick was so protective of Bart. They didn't talk about it, but Dick knew the current Robin was aware of Dick's star-crossed love with Wally West.

So, tonight Bart was coming over. Tim excused himself, he had to attend a Wayne Charity Gala. So it would be just Dick and Bart tonight.

"Hey Dick-man!" said Bart as he stepped into Dick's apartment with a smile, using super-speed. "Today was so crash, it was awesome. We took down Toyman. He's such a creep. You should have seen his face. It was so feeling the mode. Anyway, I think we should play videogames or something, maybewecould…"

"Hey, slow down Bart!" said Dick with a chuckle. "Pizza is getting cold, why don't we dive in and then we figure out what to do!"

"Pizza?! So crash!" said Bart as he grabbed a slice. Dick had made sure to buy like five pizzas. A speedster's appetite was something Dick was used to.

As they began eating, Dick looked at the younger speedster. "How's everything with the Team, Bart? Everything cool?"

Bart nodded. "Yeah. But we miss you. Aqualad is the most amazing leader, but you know… you are you…"

Dick sighed. He had left the Team for a while, in order to mourn Wally. Everyone thought he was mourning his best friend. No. He was mourning the love of his life. "Thanks Bart, I just… need to… get my head back in the game. Wally was…"

"He meant a lot to you," said Bart and nodded understandingly. Then, the mood turned very grim. Bart's eyes showed melancholy, he looked sad. Suddenly he was feeling overwhelmed.

Dick could see it. It was so un-Bart-like. "Bart, everything okay?"

Bart swallowed and looked at him with fear. "Dick, can I tell you something?"

One day, I will stop falling in love with you حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن