Battles & Responses

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"My father outlawed flaying in the North."

"We're not in the North."

"We're not torturing them."

"The high road's very pretty, but you'll have a hard time mqrching your army down it."

"The Lannisters hold prisoners of their own. I won't give them an excuse to abuse my sisters."

As they continued walked through the carnage, they happened upon a field medic who was trying to help one of the wounded, though not one of their own.

"No, don't! Don't! Please!" The wounded soldier shouted.

"Shhh." The female medic soothed, or attempted to.

A wounded soldier struggled as she removed his tattered pants and tried to tend to his bloody legs while another woman tried to help.

"The rot's set in." She told him.

"No, don't! No, don't!"


"Please, don't! It'll get better. It doesn't even hurt."

"The rot will spread if we don't take the foot now."

"No, you can't!"

Robb approached, looking concerned as the man continued to struggle. Robb knelt and helped hold the man down.

"Ser! Please, ser. I can't lose-" The man spoke to Robb.

"You'll die if she doesn't."

"I don't want to be a cripple, please."

"Surely one of our men needs your attention more than this cub." Roose Bolton told the woman.

"Your men are not my men, my lord." She replied.

"Put this in your mouth and lie down. You don't want to watch." Robb told the man.

"No! You can't!"

"Bite on it. It's better than biting your own tongue, believe me."

Robb held the wounded soldier down as the woman sawed off his foot. He screamed through the gag that Robb placed in his mouth. Robb watched the resigned medic saw through, impressed by her resolve.

[Another Part Of The Battlefield]

A mounted soldier rode slowly, carrying the Stark banner. The female medic readied a cart carrying a wounded man. It started forward, and she looked exhausted, covered in blood. Robb looked over at her. She noticed and turned as he approached.

"What's your name?"


"Your last name?"

"You want to know what side my family fights on?" She surmised.

"You know my family name. You have me at a disadvantage."

"That boy lost his foot on your orders."

"They killed my father."

"That boy did?"

"The family he fights for."

"Do you think he's friends with King Joffrey? He's a fisherman's son that grew up near Lannisport. He probably nevr held a spear before they shoved one in his hands a few months ago."

"I have no hatred for the lad."

"That should help his foot grow back." Talisa quipped, before walking away in frustration, carrying a heavy pail. Robb followed behind her.

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