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Blake Dutton sat up quickly, she was in the truck but it wasn't upright she looked around and saw everything was on its side. She couldn't see her dad either, which worried her more than anything. She felt something on her face and quickly whipped, it was blood. She could smell the gasoline and hear the sound of crumpled metal moving. Blake attempted to crawl out of the truck but when she put pressure on her left arm she cried out, the sound of her scream alerted John her father. He ran over and saw his daughter on the ground her top half out of the truck and the rest still in the crumpled front. He bent down and wiped the blood from her cheek and the sweat off her forehead. Her hat had been thrown across the road, John was thankful she was breathing but she still hadn't opened her eyes.

"Blake, can you open your eyes for me?" When she did he smiled "There are my favorite baby blues, can you get out? I can help you but I don't want to hurt you more." He watched as she licked her lips thinking about her options. John rubbed her side trying to give her some comfort "Take your time Blake, there's no rush. Cops will be a while." He looked around and saw the truck driver was dead, sadly he had to put down his daughter's horse. Chesnut had a bar through his chest and would not have survived his injuries.

She looked up at her dad "My ankle is twisted in the seat belt, I can feel it. If we cut that I think I will be ok." She heard her dad's boots crunch in the gravel and then felt his hand on her foot "C-Carful daddy, it hurts." She sighed when it was cut and laid down, Blake saw her dad come back around and grab her under the armpits "Pull." As her dad did what she asked Blake let out a scream of agony, John stopped and looked at her "What hurts Blake, tell me where it hurts baby." Blake tried to breathe normally "M-my ribs, I-I can feel them moving." She breathed slower and looked at John "Pull again." She saw the concerned look in his eyes but did what she said.

Blake screamed again landing on her dad's chest, she felt him rub her sides and he kissed her head "Rest Blake, I can hear the sirens." And that was the truth, he heard the cop's sirens along with the ambulance and fire department. He heard a door close and saw Donnie yell at his partner "Shit it's Commissioner Dutton and his daughter!" He ran over "Are you ok John? What about Blake?" John looked at him "Im fine, just a cut. Blake needs medical attention. Fractured possible broken arm, her ankle was twisted in the seat belt and when she had me pull her out she said her ribs moved." He patted her cheek "You doing ok Bee?" 

Blake nodded, she could tell John knew she was lying "Just peachy." She coughed and groaned when her ribs moved again, John hollered over his shoulder "Donnie! Hurry the fuck up! She needs help!" He hated seeing his kids hurt, especially Blake. He never said it but he was sure his other kids knew, Blake was his favorite. He whispered in her ear "Breathe Bee, they are getting you help." John helped lift Blake onto the stretcher and held her hand in the ambulance, he watched her face. Her eyes were closed and he could see the sweat beading on her head again, she looked so much like her mother. Beth her twin sister looked more like him, they were identical as kids but as they grew older they started to look different. 

John holds Blakes's hand as they got an IV in her, along with fluids and the glorious pain meds. They put oxygen on her mixed with another medication that made her extremely loopy, John flinched as they set her arm Blake not making a sound. While the nurses patched her up John called his eldest son Lee "We are in Billings, in the ER your sister and I were in an accident. Im ok, Bee was hurt pretty bad. Broken arm and wrist, badly sprained ankle, five broken ribs, and multiple cuts and bruises. I need you to come to pick us up and bring the new truck so Blake doesn't get tossed around too much." He hung up and walked in seeing Blake asleep, the doctor gave him the instructions for her care. John agreed and got her into a wheelchair walking out to the truck, he saw Lee and Rip get out and help Blake into the back seat.

John sat in the back with his daughter and helped her sit up, they talked softly as Blake slept. He held her as they drove down the gravel apologizing every time she would flinch, Lee helped him get her into the master bedroom. "She's going to sleep in my bed, and ill pull out the couch. She's probably going to want to get out and ride in a few days, I can't stop her because I would do the same thing. Just keep an eye on her if she does." John sat on the edge of the bed as Bee slept, he wanted to watch her sleep. After losing his wife he was terrified to loose any more of his children.  

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