Chapter 01 - The Journey Begins

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"Dear Samuel Sullivan,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1. We await your owl no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely,

Deputy Headmistress,
Minerva McGonagall."

As he walked reading the list of equipment, Samuel accidentally bumped into somebody's back with a "THUD!" He had hoped it wasn't somebody like the Headmaster, or a Dark Wizard, or worse - one of those old Witches that silently judge him as he walks by. Sure it was catastrophising but he had to go through all of the options first.

Luckily, the person turned around, revealing a dark-toned first-year boy with black hair and square black glasses. "Phew, it's not someone scary..." Samuel thought. The boy rapidly apologises, before looking up at beaming with light. "Wait, are you another first year?" he asks, as Samuel nods. "Oh good, I can tell by your robes," they announce, pointing to Samuel's plain robes. All of the other years would either have red, green, blue or yellow robes based on their Hogwarts house, a system they had been sorted into prior.

"I've been so alone!" cries the boy, "I'm glad I've met you!" Samuel can't help but smile back, as the student before him simply radiated good energy. "Oh, I'm Rowan Khanna by the way," explains the boy, "And you are...?"

"Samuel. Samuel Sullivan." Rowan reaches out his arm and shakes Samuel's hand. "Nice to meet you Sullivan," he begins to scratch his head, "I feel as if I've heard that name before... No matter! Anyways, have you gotten your textbooks?"

"No, do you know where I should get them?" questions Samuel. "Of course!" assures Rowan, "Follow me, it's just in Flourish and Blotts!" Rowan grabs Samuel by the arm and brings him into a bookshop. Unfortunately, it is crowded. "Oh man... I guess we'll just look at the books while we wait?" Rowan suggests. Samuel nods, "Sure, why not?"

While looking through the books, Samuel and Rowan talk to one another. "So I'm a pure-blood wizard," Rowan tells, "And my family owns a farm that supplies high-quality wood for the manufacture of wands and broomsticks!" Samuel smiles in intrigue, "Interesting, I'm also a pure-blood although my parents both work at the Ministry of Magic." Rowan asks, "Any siblings? I don't have any and I wish I did." Samuel gulps and quickly thinks. "No, none at all."

The pair continue speaking to one another, quickly becoming friends. "I aspire to become the youngest professor in Hogwarts history, you know?" Rowan grins. Samuel gasps, "Really?! Me too!" Rowan chuckles, "Well then I guess we'll see who gets there first!"

The duo chat about their (lack of) friends, subjects, etc., until they are called up at the counter. "Oh, of course! Sorry, I had completely forgotten! I got lost in conversation I guess..." Samuel laughs, as he orders his books.

Samuel and his new friend then go around Diagon Alley, talking and having fun. "What suits me best, a smart scarf or some cool trousers?" asks Rowan. "A smart scarf obviously!" Samuel exclaims.

After exploring, the two go to one final stop. "So, this is where I'll get my wand?" questions Samuel. Rowan nods, clutching to his colourful scarf in the wind. "The place is called Ollivander's, named after the owner." Samuel perks up, "Garrick Ollivander, isn't it?" Rowan smiles in agreement, "Bingo! Anyways, let's head inside, it's freezing out here!"

When they enter, Samuel is shocked to see three familiar faces - his siblings. Samson is testing out his new wand as Samwise and Samantha watch, clutching their own in their hands.Rowan's mouth opens in shock. "Is this some kind of spell or am I seeing quadruple?"

Samuel stammers, "Rowan, I-I can explain-" This was it. His first friend and they'll probably already leave because he'd lied. "Who is this?" teases Samwise, "Your boyfriend?" Samuel side-eyes him, though everyone else ignores it.

"There's nothing to explain, Samuel." Rowan replies, "I just can't believe it..."

"I can't believe you have siblings! Lucky!" Rowan exclaims. "What?! Aren't you mad I lied about being an only child?!" responds Samuel. Rowan shrugs, "Everyone makes mistakes. But I just can't believe you're a quadruplet!" Samwise stares in confusion, "How did he figure that out?"

Samantha rolls her eyes, "There's four of us, we're identical and the same age. Use your head!"

Samson finishes with his wand and turns to Samuel, "Woah, a new friend already? Nice one!" Again, good intentions, bad delivery. But before anything else could be said, Garrick Ollivander calls Samuel up. Sam found him to be an intelligent-looking man with grey hair, and was one example of the term 'experienced' being more suitable compared to 'old'. "Another sibling of Jacob Sullivan, I see?"

"What?! Jacob Sullivan?! The boy who was kicked out of Hogwarts and disappeared?! I knew that name was familiar!" celebrated Rowan, before composing himself. "Oh, I mean... Sorry, that was insensitive." Samson smiles at him, "Man, it's fine."

Samuel looks back up at Ollivander. "How did you feel when you heard the news?" The wand-maker asked, "You know, learning of his quest for the Cursed Vaults and whatnot..." Samuel paused to think, before replying, "I was upset. He really just left... And... I can't put it into words..."

Ollivander simply nods and grabs a wand from the back of the store. "I believe that this 11 inch unique holly wood with a phoenix feather core will suit you. Why don't you test it out?"

Samuel agrees and begins flicking. He feels... Powerful. Less insecure, more in control. It's a bright, almost burning sensation... "It's great..." he announced, paying Ollivander the seven Galleons. Ollivander nodded, "Very well then! Well now I believe that you should be going, as the Hogwarts Express leaves soon!"

"Already?" Samwise chimes, "Oh shoot!" He bursts out the door. "Does he even know where he's running?" questions Samson. Samantha responds, "Knowing him, probably not."

The Sullivan Hogwarts Mystery: Year OneNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ