Astral Projection

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The toilet seat had v0m!t splattered all over it as the man d3gr@d3d himself in between v0m!t!ng.

Skurava and Lvrenski's ghosts appeared behind their son and hugged him.

"Stop it, son..." Skurava ch0k3d out in a sob; a rare occurrence for the middle-aged woman. "Please..."

"Listen to your mother, Krus." Lvrenski said, tears rolling down his cheeks. "I know this is hard, I know you're hurting, but doing this will make it hurt even more."

"I deserve it." Krus said bluntly, dizzy from the loss of bl00d and feeling like his throat was on fire due to the amount of times he v0m!t3d.

"You don't." Skurava objected. "You deserve better."

"I can't do this." Krus teared up. "I can't do this anymore. I can't keep living. I'm so tired. I want this to end...Am I selfish for that? Am I asking for too much?"

"No and no." Lvrenski answered. "I know you're tired of the 'endless' cycle of being subject to t0x!c and sometimes even borderline @bv$!v3 relationships, being left and/or hvrt by those you cared about when you needed them most, h@rm!ng yourself mentally and physically, and wallowing in d3pr3$$!0n and self-h@tr3d, but [sewerslide] and self-h@rm aren't the answers, no matter how difficult and saddening life can be."

Tears rolled down Krus' cheeks. "Then what is?"

"Telling them." Skurava answered.

"I can't."

"Why not?" Lvrenski questioned.

Tears dripped down on the floor and mixed in with the puddle of bl00d. "I'm a man. I'm not supposed to cry or show weakness. Besides, they won't believe me anyway."

Affie spoke up. "Even if praded and prababushka were born in the early 1900s and lived through most of WW2, they still believe you and they don't judge you for crying and being vulnerable."

She went over to her grandfather and kneeled down to his level as he turned to her. "Also, society's changed; this isn't the 1900s anymore and $3x!$m isn't as prevalent now as it most likely was back then, so it's not just your parents who believe you."

Her eyes glowed purple as she used magic to clean up the mess and to heal her grandfather's cuts. "I believe you and I'm not judging you; Essie, Selever, Melody, and Penelope know and they believe you and aren't judging you either. As for mom, dad, and babushka, they'll believe you. Maybe dad won't care, but they won't judge you and neither will he. I know it."

She then used her magic to put her grandfather to sleep. "Get some sleep, dedushka. You need it."

She teleported her grandfather to his room as he passed out, following her great-grandparents as they went to their son's bedroom.

Skurava kissed her now slumbering son on the forehead as she and her husband sung him the lullaby that they'd always sing to him when he was a child.

"We love you so much..." Skurava sung. "We'll do anything for you..."

"And make sure you won't get hurt

By anything or anyone

We will be here to protect you."

"We want you to know that you are loved..." Lvrenski sung. "Our love for you and your sister does not have bounds..."

"We'll always love you through thick and thin

No matter what

Even if we..."

We love you (so please don't go) [EXTRA EDITION!!!]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin