"Stop it" andy said. I pulled back slightly and glanced up at him as he ran. "You forget i can hear your thoughts now, kari. None of this is your fault. Your allowed to be with who you want to be with"

I shook my head, "no, it is my fault, if i would have just listened to the rules-"

"You would be miserable or dead" he interupted.

"Put me down, now" i snapped. All of pain slowly turning to anger, anger at myself for letting things get this out of control, and anger at andy for opening his damn mouth, if he would of just kept his mouth shut none of this would have happened. Jasper wouldnt of known about jane and i if andy wouldnt of said anything.

"Baby, i will put you down as soon as we-"

I shoved hard at hs chest with both hands, trying to put some distance between us and make him stop running. It had some what of the desired effect; andy lost his grip and i went tumbling to the ground. I rolled a few feet, the cement ripping up my knees and pullingat my dress causing it to tear.

"What the hell?" andy hollered coming to a stop beside me on the ground.

Groaning i pushed myself up into a sitting position. "This is your fault, not mine, if you would have just kepty your mouth shut none of this would have happened" i glared up at my mate, the one person who was always supposed to be on my side and protect me. The one person who is at fault for my pain.

He starred back at me shocked at my harsh words. "I'm not the one who killed jane, kari"

"No, your right, your just the one who opened your fucking mouth and got her killed!" i rorared, climbing to my feet and squaring off with andy. "Jasper had no idea abouit my sexuality untill you opened your stupid ass mouth"

"There is no way in hell jasper didnt know, no matter how thick he is" andy said, armns crossed over his chest.

I threw my arms up in the air, exasperated, "for the love of all the gods, how stupid can a person be? If jasper would have known before hand do you really think he would of acted the way he did? Dont you think i would have been banished by now if he knew? Do you even use your brain" i screamed in andy's face.

I could see the anger starting to rise up in andy, his muscles strained and his jaw clenched. "You had just rejected him, if he hadnt of killed jane then he probably would have killed you" he grunted through gritted teeth.

"I would rather be dead!" i screamed so loud and hard that my throat hurt.

"And where would that put jane? You think that trading lives with her would really stop all the pain?" he snapped back.

I stumbled back slightly, the thought not even occurring to me. If jane had been in my shoes she would be in the same state as me, her parents would be grieving my loss as well. My parents probably wouldnt even have cared if i died, but jane, mark and ally would be destroyed.

"You see, trading your life for hers wouldnt fix anything, in the end someone would still be in pain" he said, his voice calmer now.

Andy reached out a hand to place on my shoulder but i backed away out of reach, the thought of him touching me again was repulsive. Fuck the mate bond, i needed to get far away from him, from everything. "Stay away from me, just stay the hell away from me." i said, taking more steps backwards.

I had to get some distance, i had to think away from all of this bullshit, i needed to grieve. I turned and ran, leaping into the air and shifting mid-stride into my light brown furred wolf. Andy didnt try to chase me, he stayed right where he was, but i could feel him in my head, i could feel him keeping tabs on me as i ran.

Run **unedited**Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt