Um? (Chp.7) {fix}

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Kafka was walking in circles, stressing a little..

"How could you say such things?!" She grunts
"Don't you remember?! Don't boss me around..." she pouts she seems very frustrated "you know I do it out of good intentions Kafka...." Kafka sighs and turns to the figure...

"Yea... your right.... But... there's some things you shouldn't pop your head into Elio..." she says rolling her eyes while crossing her arms

"And what's wrong with talking with your sister?"
Kafka eyes widen at the mention of Y/n...

She grunts "there's nothing wrong.... It's just... if I talk to her in person sh-" Kafka immediately cuts herself off, she sighs and shakes her head

"You know I'm right, but you shouldn't delay yourself just because your pride.."Elio sighs

"Y-yea ... but still, don't put your head in my family matters... if I want to talk to her I will..." Kafka says softly

-ˏ͛ ‧̥̥͙‧̥̥ ̥ ̮ ̥ ‧̫‧ ̥ ̮ ̥ ‧̥̥‧̥̥͙ ˏ͛-

Meanwhile back at the clinic with y/n

You look around the clinic frantically

"WERE THE HELL IS SHE!?!" You say a little in a panic...

"Not another goose chase..." you sigh shaking your head as you enter room for room you looked everywhere but... there was no sign of the person Chun told you...

__________________________________ ???

We have to talk...


Coat lady🧥
Huh? I'm at the headquarters of course...
Listen y/n...
We should meet up...

Chun told me that you were at the clinic looking for me?

Coat lady🧥
Well I don't know anything about that.. but I'll text you later when I'll be around to chat with my
Little baby sis~ 😽

I hate u

Coat lady🧥
Love u too 😼🫶

(Seen 11:56 am)


. • . ° .• °:. * ° . . • . ° .• °:. * ° .

You sigh....

Why would Chun lie to you? You walk back to Blade's room

"CHUN...." You say sternly glaring at her

"Wait... chun?" You look around... she isn't there... all you could see is a knocked out Blade...
You walk up to blade and check on how he's doing to make sure he hasn't lost more blood then he already has..

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