ᴀᴡʜɪʟᴇ || 003

84 3 15

Link felt horrible. There was no point in telling anyone, it was over. The Zora dam would break, and flood the entirety of Hyrule. Link felt bad, but there was no way he was tearing up. He didn't cry much. At all. He is the hero after all-, but he didn't know about being that any longer after he lost most of his left arm.

he was completely and utterly exhausted.

He eventually dozed off into a deep sleep about a half an hour after Sidon left, and he had just woke up a minute ago. He had probably been sleeping for about an hour or so, like he usually does. He doesn't usually sleep long, he doesn't know why. He just.. doesn't. He began to become uncomfortable, he had been in the same position for Hylia knows how long.

He used is right hand to sit up, and realized he had no shirt on anymore. Shit. His champions tunic... it was destroyed.. They probably threw it away. Or burned it. That took so long to upgrade! He groaned. What would Zelda think? He thought.

He had bandages around his stab wounds, so almost his whole stomach. Link was about to lay back down, when someone gasped.

"Holy Hyrule you're awake!" A Zora nurse blurted, "Becca, get Sidon!" They yelled to a guard. Well, it seemed like a guard. The guard seemed very surprised and ran to get whoever "Sidon" was. Probably a doctor or something.

Minutes later the tall, muscular, red Zora that Link had saw earlier came running in, excited. "Link! I see you are awake! You have been sleeping for awhile. How are you?" He talks alot, Link thought. Wait- awhile? Link thought- "How long have I been unconscious?!" He yelled. The Zora seemed surpised. "Well you see- it has been about... about.. I- uhm.." He hesitated, "A year.." He mumbled.

Link's eyed widened. He wasn't just "asleep" was he?! He had been in a coma. "Wh- but ho.." Link was in disbelief. A whole year... wow.

but one particular question rose.

one singular sentance, burning in Link's overfilled mind.

"How isn't Zora..- or Hyrule flooded..?" He questioned.

Sidon sighed and looked over to the nurse, making a face of worry. Not sad worry, but.. just- worry.

"Well- I uh.. we found another Hylian.." Link's eyes widened, and he gasped, his pupils getting smaller. Some other Hylian has Mipha's healing powers... some ordinary Hylian..

"S..shit-" Link mumbled.

"What is it? What is wrong Link?" Sidon asked, curiously.

Link looked up at Sidon, "O-oh. I forgot. Not everyone who lived as long as me remembers.." he mumbled sarcastically.

Sidon seemed confused. Who was this? Had he met him before-? Why did he have to remember? Whoever it was must be special. He survived getting stabbed four times, for goddess sake.

Sidon examined Link. His pointy ears, his deep blue eyes, his blonde hair...

was this?

no.. there was no way.

Hylians don't live that long.


it was Mipha's best friend. Her pride. Her hero. Her love.

"The Hylian champion.. Link?" He was absolutely flabbergasted. (funny word hehe)
His eyes lit up. Hyrule had hope-! But... however... Link didn't. Link looked up. All Sidon reminded him of was red blood.

"So, some random dude with shock arrows just waltzed in here and got Mipha's healing powers?" Link complained.

The red shark answered. "Well I mean- it wasn't- they weren't- Wait. Did you say they.. THEY GOT MIPHA'S POWERS?!"

Link groaned and rolled his eyes. Apparently the shark wasn't only annoying, he was ignorant. Link was EXTREMELY annoyed. He started to ignore sidon.

Link looked at his hair through a nearby mirror. Damn. They took his hair tie too. Also, his hair was much longer. It was past his shoulders. Link liked it. He only kept it tied up for battle, but he didn't know if he could battle anymore.

Link moved his two sore over-used legs onto the ground. He tried to stand. "Woah! Hey there I don't think you need to get up yet hero." Sidon responded. Sidon lightily grasped Link's shoulder. The second that he did that, Link gasped. Sidon was so.. TALL. Link grew nervous. He wasn't scared that Sidon was going to hurt him, he was just so tall.. "What is wrong my friend? Are you okay?" Sidon questioned.

Link looked up at sidon, "You're very tall.." Link sat back down, still staring up at Sidon.

Sidon chuckled, "Or maybe you are just short, Link." Link scoffed and rolled his eyes. I mean, Zelda was taller than him... but that isn't the point!

"Im not short!" Link argued, slightly annoyed.

"Whatever you say mr.hero!" Sidon chuckled. His smile was so... welcoming. It- Wait. What the hell was Link thinking? This was some stupid shark who had been lucky enough to meet him. Or maybe Link was lucky to meet the shark..? Whatever. It didn't matter.

"...How long am I staying here?" Link asked, changing the subject. And he also generally just wanted to know.

(It is really annoying to change the words to normal [not italic] everytime there is dialogue so im no longer doing that!! ... so i guess the whole thing is italic now.. SORRY LOL)

Sidon looked down at Link. "Well... do you have a house?" He asked.

Link raised an eyebrow, "Uhm... n-no?" (he didn't buy the house in hateno)

Sidon looked puzzled. He hesitated, "Well, probably... awhile. Like... longer than you were even a- unconscious for.." He half mumbled to himself, and half mumbled to Link.

Link gasped."T-t..that long?!"

words: 945
A bit longer yayayayaya
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