Who would say 'I Love You' first

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Him, you two were hanging out and there was a silence- he filled it with an I Love You then a kiss.

You, but he was upset he didn't get to first. You were looking into each others eyes and you said it. He made a dramatic gasp and was upset (don't worry, he said it back to you).

Him, it was almost at the same time but he beat you to it.

You, he was nervous. For all the big talk he does he was nervous when you said it.

You, you were walking around Hogsmeade and you got super happy over something and blurted it out.

You, but she says it more. She was ecstatic when you said it. 

Him, he wants to know your his and he's yours but I don't think he'll say it often. He's the first but you say it more.

Hogwarts Legacy:

Him, he's practically obsessed with you. It was in his confession to you and was actually sweet. I can't see him letting you say it first but he'd want you to say it often.

You, he was flustered but he said it right after you said it.

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