Happy 25th Birthday, Ruby!

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The date was July 12th, 2023. Let's see what's happening in Negi Root City today. Ruby Tiffney (Ruby And Love Of Passions) can be seen on her computer talking to her friends, the other Mikucolle Gem modules on Zoom.

Tanzanite And Fate's Decision: Man, why does it have to rain today? I know somebody who is bothered by them.

Diamond And Eternal Bonds: Who?

Tanzanite And Fate's Decision: Koji. He told us he's a little scared of thunderstorms. But Otome is not bothered by them at all. He finds them calming.

Aquamarine And The Wish Of Life: I wish I had his bravery...

Garnet And The Vow Of Loyalty: By the way, happy birthday, Ruby.

Ruby And Love Of Passions: Thanks! I'm turning 25. A quarter of a century old.

Emerald And Love Magic: Nice. What did Otome get you for your birthday?

Ruby And Love Of Passions: He got me this nice ruby necklace.

Peridot And The Healing Light: Ooh... That does look pretty.

Sapphire And The Brilliance Of Affection: You better go and thank him.

Ruby And Love Of Passions: I'll go, when this stupid storm passes.

Tourmaline And Love's Electric Shock: Oh yeah, good idea. Wouldn't want you to get in an accident.

Ruby And Love Of Passions: Yes.

And so, these 12 friends kept talking for a few more minutes until they all had to leave.

Jaden: And that's it for this birthday one-shot. Happy birthday, Ruby And Love Of Passions. I'll see you guys next time!

Ruby And Love Of Passions' 25th BirthdayWhere stories live. Discover now