Chapter 12

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~ A few moments earlier ~

11:45 p.m. The ginger still had a rough fifteen minutes before meeting with the others. In need of a distraction to sooth his nerves, he opted to make a detour by one of his beloved's house, opting for the closer one from there. That's how, unbeknown to the three, the very same omega that they were looking for ended up perched in the tree facing the raven's window. 

An amused glint flashed in his hazel eyes at the sight of his soulmates and their... interesting set up. 

"What are they up to?" 

A chuckle escaped his lips and he threw one last glance before taking off to his destination, his expression shifting to a more determined one.

"I'll protect you... no matter what!"  



~ Back to the present (continuation of last chapter) ~

Left completely befuddled in the current situation, the ginger staggered as a million thoughts swarmed in his head until one in particular tilted. A few years ago, he walked in on a conversation between his mother and the ancient of his new village, where they mentioned the slim possibility of his other halves contacting him through the bond. That must be it... He couldn't quite recall the details, except that if he wasn't mistaken, he probably was in a vegetative-like state at the moment considering the amount of resources such mind-link required from all parts. Nor was he ready to confront them, nor had he the time for that. He had to get out of there now!

The ginger tried to draw back from the embrace. Taken aback by this reaction, the three reluctantly let go of their grasp. Their heart sank as they registered the wary and anxious demeanour of the smaller.  

"Why would you do that ?"  

The three males stared at him, bewilderment soon replaced by compassion after the sudden outburst. Of course the latter would get confused in such circumstances... Dismissing the question, Tsukishima approached the omega again and delicately cupped his cheeks, before spouting some words of reassurance. 

"It's okay. We're here, omega. Tell us where you are and-" 

The younger frantically stepped back and cut him off. 

"No! No! No! You don't understand!"

Yamaguchi and Kageyama closed the distance between themselves and the other two, trying to lend a helping hand to the blonde, but none of their attempts to calm the orange-head down seemed successful. Distraught by the distressed state of their beloved, they couldn't help the stinging feeling in their hearts. 

Yet, something felt off... Hinata's response was disproportionate. The greenette gently grabbed the latter's hands in his own and looked straight at his clouded eyes.

"Shoyo... Why are you so panicked?"

Before the omega had a chance to amend their doubts and wavering hearts, the connection abruptly cut off as a lightning ripped across the sky, followed almost instantaneously by the roar of a thunder.  

"Damn it!" 





"I'm fine. I'm fine... I swear-"

"No, you're not! You're bleeding and crying-"

A fit of coughs interrupted the bi-coloured male rant, a trickle of blood dripping from the ginger's mouth.  


Before the latter could reach for him, his knees buckled under him, gravity pulling him until his body collided on the cold pavement. Tears shaded on his face at the throbbing pain that stroke him from head to toes, whether it was due to the sudden impact, the fresh gash on his side or most evidently a mix of both. Hinata couldn't comprehend what was occurring in this instance as everything was going way too fast for his conscience to catch up. 

The battlefield' sounds were muffled by the ringing in his ears. He blinked, trying to regain a clear sight. He could vaguely decipher the figure of his close friend and senpai, Yuu Nishinoya, standing protectively in front of him and using his electric powers. As he drifted out of consciousness, remorse filled him at the realisation that not only did he fail his soulmates but also his clan and family. The last thing he could remember was being lifted by a familiar strong pair of arms, which he recognised as his mentor's, Bokuto.   

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