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As I returned home from my little adventure my mother was outside my home waiting for me, I must've been gone a little longer than usual.

"Billie! There you are, where on earth have you been? Did you deliver the flour?"

"Sorry mother, there was a um..a slight mishap. I kind of ran into someone and spilled it on the way to the castle." I said sheepishly.


"No one important."

I couldn't just tell my mother or really anyone for that matter that I ran into the Princess. It would cause a ruckus.

"I'm sorry."

"Oh it's alright, we have some to spare. Go to the outhouse and get some more and this time make sure you go the way I told you."

"Yes mother."

I did as I was told and started my trek to the castle. Again.

The whole time my mind was occupied with the princess. Oh, how I've never met anyone more beautiful than she nor more kind.

I knew it was wrong to think about another woman the way I was, but I simply couldn't help it. There was something about her, something so enticing that it made me think about her in the same ways I would think about a man.

If anyone ever found out about my thoughts though I'd be shamed and maybe even exiled. So kept them to myself and tried to keep them at a minimum.

Soon I approached the castle with the flour, the Queen seeming to be a bit hysterical. I sat quiet as I waited for my instructions.

"I just don't understand how could you have lost her?!"

"We don't know your Majesty. She was last seen with a girl, we think it may have been one of the Millers."

I suddenly got very very nervous, sure there were plenty of millers around the village but my father and my family are the only ones who deliver directly to the palace.

"Her trail went cold near the ports, we think she may have gotten a passage onto a ship."

"So you're telling me that my daughter, the princess, got onto a ship and no one seen her or told anyone? This is ridiculous. Find her, and find her quickly."

With a wave of her hand the palace guards left and she turned to me and I was quick to bow before her.

"Your Majesty. I deeply apologize for being off schedule but I have your delivery of flour for this month."

"Thank you dear. You haven't seen the princess by any chance. Have you?"

Oh lords above please don't let anyone find out I have lied to the queen I would definitely be exiled for sure.

"No your Majesty. I have not."

"Alright, if you do I expect you to tell me immediately. Here is your payment." She hands me three coppers and two silvers and I thank her before I'm on my way back home.


"Mother do you know where Finneas is?" I ask upon my return home.

"I think he's out back with the animals dear."

Me and my brother were just like the best of friends. We were, always have been and always will be there for each other. He's the only one who would never judge me for anything.

"Finneas? Could I speak with you for a moment?"

"Of course, what troubles you?"

"How do you know I'm troubled? What if I just wanted to have a nice chat?" I say casually, shrugging my shoulders.

"Your face tells more than your words do sister. So tell me what aids you."

"Well...there's this..person. I just met them and I can't seem to get them out of my head. Why is that?" I ask him, sitting on a stool.

"It seems to me like you like this person. That's why."

"But I've only just met them."

"Oh Billie, that is neither here nor there. Haven't you ever heard of love at first sight?"

I shake my head. "That's ridiculous."

"Regardless, I do believe that's what's happening. You are developing feelings for this person."

"But I can't. I can't do that."

"And why ever not?"

"Because...because it's a woman." I say quietly and he pauses for a moment before resuming what he was doing.

"A woman you say?"

"Yes, but please you mustn't tell anyone. Especially mother and father."

"How come?"

"If I tell you, you have to promise this stays between us."

He thinks for a minute.
"Alright, I promise."

I look around for anyone near by who could be listening before pulling him in close.

"On my way to the castle this morning to deliver the flour, I ran into someone. But not just anyone brother, I ran into the princess herself. I spilled all the flour all over us both that's why I had to come back and get more. But before that we actually...talked. Like regular common folk we talked. And she gave me this." I pull the necklace out and show him before I continue.

"Oh, Finneas it was wonderful. No royal has ever shown me half the kindness the princess did. She was beautiful and sweet and kind and...If I'm not mistaken we had almost kissed."

"What?!" He shouts and I shush him.

"Shh! No one must ever know. It could end very badly not just for me but for her too."

I really did fear what would happen to Zalia if her parents were to find out about my feelings. I know she probably doesn't have the same ones but it still could end badly.

Why I've heard of princesses and princes getting punished simply for talking to someone like me.

"Oh my Billie, you're in love." He says with a smile.

"I am not. I can't be."

"Well you are. Only people in love care more about someone else's wellbeing than their own."

"That's not true."

"But it is, people are selfish Billie."

"Well...what am I to do? We only just met this morning and now she's gone. I can't keep going on like this. I'll drive myself mad." I say, distress laced in my voice.

"It'll pass. Just try not to think about her too much. Maybe find a nice boy in the village to occupy your mind."

"Finneas I am not one for distractions, let alone boyish ones. Besides all the boys in this village are disgusting." I say, my face scrunching up in disgust.

"Well whatever happens, you know that I will be right here. And I'll be here for you, like I always have been and always will be."

He gives me a hug which I return.

"Thank you brother."


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