They slipped the dollar underneath their blanket and took a bite out of the paper, almost stumbling as they did. It wasn't very chewy.

"Bleh!" Y/N exclaimed, nearly spitting out the dollar immediately. "Ugh, it tastes nothing like swirly bread!"

That's because it's money, dear Y/N.

Wolfie smelled it and immediately gave it a look of disgust. It smelled like unclean human fingers. Disgusting.

"Aww, those targets gave me the weird snacks." Y/N frowned and puffed out their cheek in displeasure. "That's so mean!" They stomped their foot.

Wolfie copied their gesture, stomping his paw and growling.


Laughter boomed from back of the alleyway, earning Y/N and Wolfie's attention. Wolfie immediately growled harshly and jumped in front of Y/N in a protective manor. Y/N gently clutched Wolfie's fur.

"Aww, that's so mean of you, puppy~!" The voice pouted. "I thought we were all friends here, so no need to be so aggressive~" The footsteps came closer, with some cheeky laughter coming from the person.

"Huh? I can't see you!" Y/N informed the person, confusion laced in their voice.

"Oopsies~! Sorry, Ghostie-chan~!" The person apologized before stepping into the light. "How about now~?"

Y/N let out a small gasp as their (e/c) eyes made contact with the person.

A girl emerged from the shadows with a cheerful, yet sinister grin. She had golden eyes and light ash blonde hair, wrapped on the sides of her head in very, messy buns. She had a school girl outfit and pink blush on her face.

"BunBun!" Y/N exclaimed, excitedly as they ran over to the blond with a happy grin. They jumped into the girl's arms, startling the older one a bit.

Himiko Toga couldn't stop her wide grin sprouting on her face.

"Hehe, I'm so happy you remember me, Ghostie-chan~!" Toga cheered, happily as she hugged the child, tightly.

"Of course I remember you, BunBun!" Wolfie walked over to the two and nudged Toga's arm, all the hostility gone.

"Hiya, puppy!" Toga cooed as she ran her fingers through his silver fur.

"BunBun, guess what? I got some weird snacks, and they don't taste good to me. Do you want some?" Y/N offered, holding out the bitten money for Toga to take. Toga looked puzzled before grinning widely.

"Hahahahaha~! Ghostie-chan, you're so cute~!" She laughed. "No, I'm not hungry, buutttt, I know some people who would looove to have some, hehe~!"

Y/N was, at first, confused before realization hit them. Y/N gasped before visibly lighting up.

"Stitches and Handsy?!"

"Stitches and Handsy~"



Twice ran towards Ghostie, arms wide open as the child ran straight into his arms, copying the gesture. The masked dude clasped the little one in his arms in sheer happiness, practically bouncing in excitement.

Toga laughed as she had just opened the door to the hideout and the first thing that happened was this.

"I didn't miss you at all," and then, "I totally missed you!" Y/N laughed at Twice as they hugged him.

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