chapter 34 monster uprising.

Start from the beginning

With each blow that landed on her barrier, it weakened it. Tatsumaki knew her barrier wouldn't last, so she lifted up a building hit the monster with it. It made the monster stumble back.

"HAHAHAHA, YOU CALL THAT AN ATTACK WHAT A WEAK HERO!" It yelled as it rushed at her again. Tatsumaki had used the last of her powers to lift the building up she knew he's gonna win.

Before the monster hit her barrier again, the monster got hit into a building. Tatsumaki opens her eyes and sees Bang former Class-S rank 3 hero. "Bang, I thought you quit being a hero?" Tatsumaki asked.

"I may have quit, but that doesn't mean I'm just gonna stand back and watch my fellow heroes lose to all these monsters." Bang said as the monster rushed him with a lot of speed. "CHARGING RHINO ATTACK!" The monster yelled.

"WATERSTREAM ROCK SMASHING FIST!"  The attack hurt the monster, but it sent Bang flying into a building.

"BANG!" Tatsumaki yelled. The monster reached in the building and grabbed him and was fixing to slam him into the ground. When Tatsumaki sends a car flying into its head. It made the monster let go of him.

Bang lands on the ground. "Thanks." Bang said. When Bang turns back around, the monster is gone. "Where'd it go?" Bang asked.

"BANG LOOK OUT!" Tatsumaki yelled, trying to use her powers to lift something, but she was too weak to do anything. Bang looked up and saw it he tried to move out of the way, but due to his age, he couldn't move fast enough. Tatsumaki goes a little bit past her limits and helps him move out the way in time.

Tatsumaki's barrier drops, and she falls to her knees, bleeding from her eyes. Bang looks at her and then back at the monster.

"MONSTER TANK PUNCHES!" The monster started throwing punches. Bang used his martial arts to deflect some of them, but one caught him off guard. It hit him through one of the buildings.

The monster turns back around. "Well, it looks like I can finally finish you off once and for all." He said as he walked up to her and rared its massive fist back.

The fist hits her into the ground he removed his fist to look at the squashed girl, but she wasn't there.

"What the?" The monster said, confused he looks all around and sees a taller female in a dress. "Another hero, hmm, I guess I can have some more fun after all." The monster said as he threw a punch at her.

"LIGHTSPEED PUNCH!" Fubuki yelled as both their fists made contact it made the monsters whole arm explode.

"GAHHHHHHH!" It yelled. "Now it's time I finish you off." She said as she jumped in the air and hit the monster in the chest its body exploded.

Bang gets up and walks back, holding his side. "You defeated the monster?" Bang asked.

"Yes, I did come here. I need your energy to heal her. I don't have very much energy as it is." Bang does as he's told he gives her his hand. Fubuki uses his energy to heal her.

"Thanks, can you do me a favor?" Fubuki asked. "Sure." Bang said. "Take my sister away from here she needs to rest."

"Yes, young lady." He said as he picked her up and headed towards the association building.

Fubuki starts running around, killing more monsters. Caleb sees a kid fixing to get killed, so he jumps forward at lightening speed and hits the monster, making it explode. "Are you okay?" Caleb asked.

"Yes, thank you. Wait, are you a hero." The little girl asked. "Yes, I am, and I'm in Class-A 4. Now, go get out of here."

She runs off to her home. Caleb keeps running around killing monsters.

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