"What does this blue one mean?" I ask picking it up showing it to him, "light blue stands for peace. I thought it was fitting, you're very peaceful to be around" he says placing a kiss to my cheek. "I think this is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.." I whisper to him. I was so touched that he went and chose these colours specifically for me, "what ones would you like to use?" He asks, "all of them" I respond happily as he chuckles.

"Okay my love" he says placing a gentle kiss to my shoulder as he starts on my hair. "Can I ask..what happened after you blacked out. We're you just asleep?" He asked me cautiously. "No..I awoke on the beach, you were there, but it was like I never got hurt. You were begging me to stay and I knew that it wasn't true so I ran away. Except my running led me back to the forest.." I say quietly.

"He was there" I whisper, "who?" Aonung responds. "Ikàlu..the boy I was promised too. He was happy to see me but he also begged me to stay. But I jolted awake..I was still in the forest, you didn't exist no one knew who you were. We never got attacked and I was still promised to him..but this time everyone said I did love him" I say as i start to get upset.

"Hey, you don't have to speak about it if you don't want too" he says reassuringly as I shake my head. "No I want too..this world felt so real, but I knew in my gut it wasn't. I ran to our spirit tree, I spoke to Eywa" I say in shock. "She told me that if I stayed she would guarantee my happiness with Ikàlu, but if I left she said I could spend my future with you..but I'd have to figure it all out on my own. I didn't hesitate, I chose you" I say ending my sentence with a smile.

"I'm so happy to hear you say that Ma Làni, I love you" he says quietly placing another kiss to my shoulder. "I love you too Ma Aon" I whisper back to him, I could feel his smile behind me at the nickname I finally gave him.

"All done" he says as he brushed my hair over my shoulders so I could see, I felt over my head he pleaded the top of my head in braids. A few full braids framed my face and a couple throughout my whole hair leaving the rest down. I looked at the braid framing my face as I looked at the broken shells he intertwined, the colours worked beautifully together. "Do you like it?" He asks shyly as I stayed quiet, "I love it. Thank you Aon!" I say to him happily

He stands up behind me as he walks over to a corner pulling something out from the chests, "I have a gift for you..I made it while you were asleep" he says coming back to my side. He holds his hands out as e beautiful necklace sits in his palms, a big white pearlescent shell sat in the centre as smaller pink and white shells went around the sides filling the necklace.

My eyes teared up at the sight, "you made this for me?" I whisper through my quiet sobs. "I love it Aon. I have no words.." I say as I quickly wrap my arms around him, I let out a loud hiss as I forgot my injuries. "Careful, careful!" He chuckles gently pushing me back, "I'm glad you like it" he says as he carefully wraps it around my neck securing it. "Beautiful. You're beautiful" he says tucking a braid behind my ear as I blushed at his words.

Eclipse has just started to begin once he had finished my hair, "shall we go for some dinner?" He asks as I nod my head. "Yes please I'm starving" I say with a chuckle, he comes by my side as he helps me stand up. "Everyone's gonna know.." I whisper quietly, "does it matter. I'm pretty sure everyone does by now" he chuckles. "We danced together remember" he teases slightly as I blush again, "I-I know" I stutter back shyly as he chuckles again.

We made our way to the campfire, greeting people as we pass to get to my family. Although it wasn't just my family..both our families were say together. He carefully sat me down next to my twin as he walks off to get our food, "hi" I whisper to everyone feeling shy. "How are you feeling?" Ronal questions, "I'm okay thank you" I say giving her a small smile back.

"Your hair looks pretty" my mother says, "the colours suit you" she says with a smile as I mutter out a small "thank you" in response. I didn't exactly like being the centre of attention..it was awkward. I watched as both our parents started whispering to each other as they gestured over to me.. I wasn't sure if I should be worried or not.

Fortunately, Aonung appeared snapping me out of any negative thoughts as he handed me my food. I happily start eating as he sits closely besides me, keeping a hand rested on my thigh. "So." My father says disrupting the silence, "we know you two, like each other" my dad says awkwardly clearly not enjoying this subject. "We've all had a chat, and we accept that you two want to be together" Ronal says so my dad didn't have to continue.

"I would like Aonung to go to the forest and learn your ways, once he has you two may mate. I've spoke to your father, our mating age is 16 so younger than yours. But the decision is up to you both" Tonowari said. "We're going home?" I say still of excitement to my parents as they nod their head, "for a little while yes" my mother says.

"Once you're healed we will leave" my mother says with a smile, I know she was excited to see our home again. Even if it wasn't permanent, I just missed it and I couldn't wait to show Aonung my home, for once I would have the upper hand.

We had all finished dinner so we made our way back to our home pods, but I stayed a bit further behind with Aonung. "You get to see my home" I say with a big smile, "I can't wait to show you, I think you'll love it!" I say excitedly. "As long as I'm with you I'm happy" she says placing a kiss to my head, "however, I don't think I certain someone will be very happy once he sees us arrive" he said wisely.

My ears pinned to my head at the thought, "right...Ikàlu..he told me he'd wait for me. I don't think he'd take the news great. I'll leave it to my dad" I say with a slight chuckle trying to brush the situation off. "I hope he doesn't try anything" I whisper now worrying, "don't worry about it my love. I'll always be by your side" he says with a smile, getting rid of my nerves.

We parted ways for the night as I entered my families pod, "we really get to go home?" I question with a smile. "It won't be for long, but yes. Tonowari would like Aonung to learn our ways before anything should happen between you. He wants approval from our clan as well" my dad spoke wisely as I nod my head in response.

"What about Ikàlu?" I question quietly, "it'll be okay I will talk to him" my father says giving me a reassuring smile. "For now let's not stress on it okay. Get a good night of sleep I'm sure you need it" he says as he ushers me over to my hammock. "Goodnight Làni"


How do we think it's going to pan out when Ikálu finds out about Aonung...uh oh

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I would've uploaded it last night but I wanted to add a final paragraph in

Bye my lovelies! x

Forgive me: An Aonung storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें