Chapter 2: The invitation and Palace meeting

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Setting: The next Day at the Duchy. King Caleb and Queen Sarah are eating breakfast. As they are finishing,
Princess Bethany Grace comes flying in.

Bethany Grace: "Mail call!!"

Sarah: "Thanks Sweetie" She looks at the envelope addressed to her from New York." What could this be?"

Bethany Grace: " Open it!"

Caleb sorts the rest of the mail (mostly bills) and looks at Sarah as she opens the envelope.

Sarah: " To the Royal family of Cordonia...You are all invited to attend the 20 year family reunion of Henry Earl Smithsonian at the Wyatt Hotel near Central Park in New York City..." She looks at Caleb." That ...was my grandfather's name..he's deceased but apparently someone wants us there. It says to RSVP to James Smithsonian... that's my Dad."

Caleb: "I've never seen your side of the family. This may be a good opportunity for me to meet them."

Sarah: "Yes. For you and our daughter.'

Bethany Grace: "Are we going to go?"

Sarah: "I'm thinking about it . But we need to get you off to school and Daddy and I have a meeting to get to."

Later in the car after dropping Bethany Grace off and on the way to the Palace. Caleb looks at Sarah, noticing her deep in thought.

Caleb: "Is something bothering you?"

Sarah: "Yes. It's about the invitation. It's been over 10 years when I haven't heard hardly anything from my family and now they just expect me to drop everything at a moments notice. There was a family split a long time ago due to one of my relatives second marriage and I'm afraid that some old wounds might still be there..."

Caleb: " Well, people change over time, life circumstances too. I doubt that anyone would be carrying a grudge now. Please don't deprive our daughter of seeing your side over some silly argument that happened well over 10 years ago."

Sarah: " You know... you're right. This should be a piece of cake compared to all the other things we've done together."

Caleb: " You know that I love you and Bethany and this baby that we're expecting. I won't ever leave your side. We can do this.'" With that he plants a kiss on her. After that they both get inside to the meeting.

Setting: Inside the meeting room, people are talking including Hanna, and Maxwell with some other officials present.

After calling the meeting to order and making sure everyone was present , Caleb starts in

Caleb: " Its been brought to my attention that the health curriculum in the public schools is crossing boundaries. Things that should be kept private are now being brought out in the open with both boys and girls present as young as kindergarten."

There's a lot of murmuring and disgust amongst all present.

Caleb: " I am calling for reform amongst all Cordonia 's public schools in the area of health education to put parents in charge of these matters and focus on diet, exercise and sleep ,not the birds and the bees."

Member of Parliament:" But King Caleb, times are changing and the children see these things on Television and movies and internet. Shouldn't we be keeping up?"

Caleb: '" We don't have to play keeping up with the Joneses smut to be well informed. We should focus on health safety at age appropriate levels without lowering ourselves to this." He holds up the photocopies of his daughter's health unit.

Sarah: " I am all for removing the health unit from the academic curriculum. But if the public and members of council want this... We should require that parents be warned ahead of time and also to have this part optional for the children to attend this."

Member of council: " But what about the rest of the media?"

Hanna: " The media have disclaimers and ratings so parents can make wise choices. We should do the same."

All members in attendance cry " Hear hear!" in agreement.

Irritated council member persists: " I don't want our schools becoming second class compared to other schools that are championing the new stuff and I won't put up with our children being uninformed!"

Sarah: " I've looked at the other schools that have gone in that direction and their kids are worse than what we have. We need to look out for what is best."

Different Royal council member: " What about the teachers that have to teach this stuff? If they don't cooperate, then they lose their jobs!"

More murmuring and discontent continue and people are getting riled.

Hanna: " Teachers should be given a choice to opt out of that part of the curriculum... They're never to replace the parents when it comes to that ."

Caleb: " I agree and I motion to suspend any further action on this right now until everyone calms down."

Sarah: "Agreed".

Chairman of Royal Council: " If no one can come to complete agreement then we need to get an alternative in place of the public school. We almost had one but it was put on hold due to some people in charge. Maybe it's time to open that up again..."

Caleb; " We can put that on the agenda for next meeting a week from today...that will give us time to prepare.. Meeting adjourned."

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