31 F I N A L E

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Greece was amazingly beautiful and I have been saving up my money just to go there but now I'm here with my own boyfriend, I was going to faint for sure.

Half an hour later, the limousine stopped and the chauffeur rounded the car before opening the door for us. As I got out of the limousine, my mouth gaped open, not believing what I was seeing so I managed to blink more than a hundred times. Soobin led me down a small flight of stairs as my feet touched the small, tiny grains of sand. I closed my mouth and realised I was looking at small candles that was positioned nearly everywhere on the beach with rose petals laying down on the sand patiently.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Soobin asked quietly as he squeezed my hand tightly.

I nodded, speechless.

Soobin and I kept walking, dodging the candles from left to right until my eyes landed on a crowd. Their backs were facing towards us so I didn't know who it was but butterflies started erupting in my stomach and my curiosity grew. My heart increased its beat as the crowd turned around to see both Soobin's and I's families and friends, gathered around with one candle in their hands and big smiles on their faces as tears were starting to spring in my eyes.

"It's not my birthday," I whispered, loud enough for everyone to hear as they chuckled at my statement.

"It's not," Soobin chuckled along with them as he placed a feather kiss on my forehead before kneeling down on one knee.

I took a step back as my brain started to register what was happening in front of me. My eyes widened as tears were already starting to flow down my cheeks as Soobin reached behind him, producing a small, red, velvet box before opening it, showing off a beautiful, diamond ring.

"Kang Aera," he started with a huge grin on his face as the crowd started cheering. "I would rather not say a speech because it would be long and everyone would fall asleep."

Everyone laughed, including me.

"But just know that I love you with all my existing, beating heart and my love for you just keeps growing every second so will you, my beautiful gorgeous woman, marry me?"

By the middle of his speech, I was crying tears of joy and I was absolutely stunned and speechless that my hands flew to my mouth. Instead of saying a word, the cheers chanted yes countless times before I nodded my head and whispered, "Yes."

My answer must've taken Soobin aback because his eyes widened as he took the ring from its home before placing it on my ring finger whilst I looked at it in awe. He rose from his position slowly as he engulfed me in his arms as I threw my arms around his neck, inhaling his cologne that had me smiling.


I heard the front door knock, dragging me out of my daydream as Harin and Jiah turned around to see my father in a tux entering the small room that was filled with makeup and dresses. My father's eyes widened and a soft smile settled on his lips as a tear escaped his left eye, approaching me with his arms wide open. I laughed as his arms encircled my waist tightly before breaking the hug as his eyes observed my dress.

"I hate this day," my father whispered with a chuckle.

"You look so beautiful."

I tilted my head in confusion. "Why?"

"You're growing up too fast," my father whispered in response, his voice breaking. "It only felt like yesterday since you came to live with Jiah and I."

"Aw appa," I replied, kissing his cheek. "You'll have grandchildren?"

"If you think that just made me feel better," my father said with a shake of his head. "I'm going to make sure that I lock Soobin in a prison cell."

Bad boy Choi Soobin ||Choi Soobin✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz