Chapter 15 - The Trip To Barcelona

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She already bought some over the years because Mateo would sometimes drag her as an escort to business gatherings as his secretary. And she packed the one she chose. It might not be a new one, but it will do. As long as she can wear something.

Sydney just smirked at her when she said that, and she definitely didn't like that.

"All right then... I had mine customized already..."

Her eyes immediately widen. "So what are we doing here then?!" 'Oh no...that came out wrong. She's starting to get irritated.

"We are here to shop...before we go to the party. And did you just yell at me?!" She said almost sounding hysterical.

It's a good thing Mateo went outside earlier to take a call so there's only the two of them inside the boutique.

"Uh, no of course not Ms. Linden... You must've heard it wrong. I just simply asked why are we shopping when we have a party to attend to in a few hours. Shouldn't you get ready for it?"

"Oh...Because I want to spend some time with Mateo before his mom steals him again away from me." She chuckled.

'Of course she's going to steal her away, he's her son. And she hasn't got that much time with her son for years.' Is what she wanted to say but she knows she can't.

"Oh, okay..." So she settled for that answer because she doesn't want to start any argument.

All she wants is for this shopping and walking to end so she could lie down on her bed in the hotel room and start preparing for the anniversary party.

The bestfriend of her boss just gave her a smirk, though she's not sure if it's a friendly one, and went back to try some more clothes.

Mateo went back to the boutique to inform them that they need to go.

'Ugh...Finally!' She muttered to herself. Her feet are killing her.

THEY ARRIVED at the Dela Cruz estate prior to the start of the party. Mrs. Dela Cruz said that she wanted to spend some alone time with her son before the crowd takes him away. And when she said crowd, she meant the business associates invited to the party.

When the guards opened the giant door of the mansion...or should she say...castle. They were greeted by an elegant woman, wearing simple yet obviously expensive clothing, with all smiles and with wide open arms ready for hugs.

"Mi hijo! Finally, you're back! Welcome home." She greeted her long lost son and gave him a kiss on a cheek and a bone crushing hug. She really did miss him so much.

Then the kind woman turned to her. "Mi hija, Mia... I've missed you so much." Then she also gave her a hug and a kiss, but then she pauses. She looked down, and with surprised eyes... she looked at her.

"Mi hija? You're..."

"Uhm...pregnant." She said smiling awkwardly. "Five months...Surprise?"

"Sorpresa indeed... I wasn't expecting this. How..." She wanted to ask something, but she noticed Sydney alongside Mateo. "We'll talk about this later dear, alright?" She said.

Mia nodded and smiled to Mateo's mom. 'Oh boy...Looks like there's gonna be a lot of explaining to do.'

Mrs. Dela Cruz then turned to Sydney. Sydney initiated to receive the same official greeting she and Mateo received from Mrs. Dela Cruz, but she got hung up in the air when Mrs. Dela Cruz only shook her hand...and that's it. Sydney's expression cannot be fathomed when the kind lady kind of ignored her.

And Mia was left confused. She thought that Mateo and Sydney's family are close.

Then Mrs. Dela Cruz asked the maids to lead them to their rooms. But Mrs. Dela Cruz gestured her to come with her.

"Mom, where are you taking my secretary?" Mateo suddenly interrupts.

"Oh...Don't worry mi hijo, we'll have our bonding time later... But for now, I'm going to steal you secretary for a moment...I mean borrow. We have a lot of catching up to do."

"Oh don't worry Aunt Luciana, he won't be missing me."

Mrs. Dela Cruz looked back and forth between her and Mateo. Then she shrugged. "If you say so mi hija. Now come... I want to have a girl talk with you."

"Uhm... Aunt Lucy, I'm here too you know." Sydney said making her presence known in the room.

"I know dear. But I want to talk to Mia alone. Besides, you have Mateo to accompany you. And you might just get bore talking with us." She smirked. "See you at the party. "You start preparing now Mateo will yah? Come Mia."

Then Mrs. Dela Cruz ushered her to the third floor of the mansion and in front of the door of a giant room.

"Uhm...Aunt Luciana, this is not my bedroom. I was supposed to be designated in one of the guestrooms."

"And allow my future daughter-in-law to sleep in there? I don't think so." Mrs. Dela Cruz said then she opens the giant door making her gape at the view in the inside. The lady gestured her to come inside and she obeyed hesitantly.

Mia roamed her eyes all over the place. The theme of the room was silvery-pink. A queen-sized canopy bed at the centre of the room, covered by very expensive looking linens, giant pillows, furniture as well as some other necessities that would make the room owned by a princess.

"Okay...This is definitely not my room Aunt Luciana, I'm going to the guestroom." She started to walk out of the room when she noticed her luggage in the corner of the room.

"This is where you are staying while you're here mi hija. I have this room arranged just for you."

"I-I don't understand that Aunt Luciana. And also, I'm not your daughter-in-law. I wish I were," she whispered, "but I'm just Mateo's secretary."

"But you're carrying Mateo's baby aren't you?" She asked pertaining to her bulging tummy.

She caressed her tummy. "How did you---."

"Gut feel. And also because I know that you have been in love with my son for years now." Then she gave her that I-already-know-everything look.

"You knew? How? When?"

Mrs. Dela Cruz went on the bedside table and took something from the drawer. And everything was answered when Mrs. Dela Cruz raised a notebook in her hand. A notebook with a hard cover and a lock on the centre. The notebook that she's been looking for ages.

She gasped. "My Diary."

HOMBRE HERMOSO SERIES 1: THE BILLIONAIRE'S HEIR (MATEO DELA CRUZ)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz