Part- 12 (Finale)

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The news of Jimin being the husband of college's trustee Kim Namjoon, spread like fire. Now nobody dared to propose Jimin and mess with him. They could just drool over him, that's all.

Timeskip - Next day

Jimin POV-

I was passing by the rehearsal hall just then I saw a familiar figure. I looked through the window. A guy was sitting on the floor, his head tucked between his knees.
I knew that person....what was his name....umm...yeah, Jung Hoseok but is he alright?
I slowly went towards him and kneeled down, tapping on his shoulder.
"Umm...are you okay?" I asked worriedly.
He looked up and faced me. His eyes were red and puffy. He quickly wiped the tears in his eyes and smiled.
"Ahh Jimin! What brings you here?"
"Hyung! Were you crying?"
"Ani! Just something got in my eye. Maybe I rubbed it too much."
He can't even lie properly.
I put my hand on his shoulder and smiled.
"I don't know what's bothering you, but feel comfortable to tell me. You also helped me, remember? Just think of me as your friend."
He smiled at that.
"Thank you Jimin but I'm ok."
I nodded.
I know he's hiding something but I don't wanna force him. I made a fist in the air and said,
"Fighting!" He chuckled at that.
"Thanks for cheering me up."
"Feeling better?"
"Great." I gave him my eye
smile, my speciality. 😜

Hoseok POV-

He asked me if I'm okay and I lied. But I know, he understood that I'm lying that's why he cheered me up.
Oh Jimin! Why are you such an angel? I feel bad thinking that're the reason of my tears.
Just like everyone, I had a crush on you. But my crush was different. I fell for your purity. Everyone looked at you with lust, but I did that with my pure love. I was always nervous to approach you and confess. I didn't want you to think of me wrong. But yesterday, when I finally made up my mind to confess my feelings to you, I came to know that you're already married. I broke deep down. My first love couldn't be mine.
Still Jimin, I'm happy for you. Though, it'll be hard but I'll get over with my feelings for you. There's no point to confess now.
We couldn't be lovers, but we'll be good friends. Yeah... friends!

End of POV

Some days later-

Namjoon entered the room and saw the lights on.
"Why are you still awake?" He asked his husband, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, sulking.
He ignored Namjoon and looked away.
Namjoon knew what's going on. He kneeled down infront of him and held his hands.
"Are you angry?"
"Who am I to get angry? Just who am I?"
"My husband of course."
"I'm not."
"Why are you saying that, Jimin?"
"Do you even care about me?"
"I do. Do you have any doubt?"
"Then why did you say that you'd come home early when you had to come at midnight? Just look at the fucking time. You don't even spend time with me nowadays. Your work is more important to you."
Namjoon sighed.
"Baby, you know I'm a Mafia and there's no exact time of me to come and go."
"Hmph!" Jimin puffed his cheeks, pouting.
"Aish! Ok, I'm sorry. I will make it up to you. Tell me what do you want? Do you wanna watch movie with me again or we can go for di-"
"I wanna meet my parents." Jimin said at once.
"Jimin! You don't need to ask my permission for that."
"But you said that I'm not allowed to go anywhere except college."
"Forget it. From now on, if you wanted to go anywhere, just tell the driver. Hmm?"
"Thanks. So I'll visit them tomorrow. Won't you come?"
"No! You know what your parents think of me. So you understand right?"
"Now I need your cuddles. I'm feeling low."
"Take a shower first. You're stinking of sweat."
"Ok boss!"
Jimin chuckled. After that Namjoon slept on Jimin's chest like a baby.

In the morning - At Park's residence

The door bell rang and a lady opened the door. Seeing the visitor, she couldn't stop herself from smiling.
"Jimin! You!"
"Yes mom!" He gave her a big and tight hug. "I missed you so much mom."
His mom hugged back.
"I missed you too, my baby!"
"Who's here? Ahh! Jimin" A voice came from behind. Jimin looked at the person and walked to him, giving a hug.
"Dad! I'm so happy to see you."
"I missed you, son. How have you been?"
"I'm good."
"Just don't start the family drama here. Let's go inside." His mom taunted.
They all went to the living room.
"Jimin! Wait here! I'll make your favourite snacks." Saying that, his mom left to the kitchen. Father and son started chit-chatting.

"Dad, can I ask something.?"
"Sure son!"
"Why did you lie that Namjoon is a bad person?"
His father paused.
"Tell me dad."
"Yes I lied."
"What kind of father would want his son to marry a mafia? Though, he is a good guy but still he is a mafia who have many enemies. It could even hurt you. He never showed his true self so I took advantage of it and lied that he's a monster. I know son that you hate him, but don't worry. I'll do something and make him to divorce you and find a better partner for you."

His father widened his eyes.
"What did you say?"
"I love him."
"You must be lying." He chuckled.
"No. It's true."
Mr.Park was about to say something to his son when a voice startled both of them.
"So that's what you think of me, Mr.Park."
They looked towards the door and saw Namjoon standing there, crossing his arms and frowning. Jimin's mom was behind him, looking nervous.
"B-boss!" Mr.Park stuttered.
"Hyung!" Jimin ran to hug his husband, shocking his parents."You said that you won't come. Then why?"
"Didn't feel like leaving you alone so came to check on you. Your parents really talk so sweet about me." He glared at Jimin's father, making him gulped.
"Just what did you do to my son?" Mr.Park asked suddenly.
"Mr. Park! Do you remember what I told you during our wedding? That I'll take care of him the way you could never imagine. Now see the result." He said and smirked. "Jimin! Let's go from here." Jimin nodded.
Namjoon held Jimin's hand and was about to go, just then-
"N-Namjoon....son!" Jimin's mom called him by his name, making him paused on his place. "Sorry for judging you."
"I'm used to that. Not new for me."
She looked down.
"BTW! It feels good when you call me son. Thank you!"
"Huh? W-what did you say?"
"I don't like repeating."
Mrs.Park smiled.
"Take care of yourself and Jimin."
Namjoon nodded.
"You too, m-mom and dad."
Their son also waved goodbye to them and both Kim couples went from there.
Mrs.Park placed the snacks on the table and said,
"Isn't Namjoon so cute?"
"Huh?" He snapped out of his thoughts, still shocked with Namjoon's behaviour.
"I said, isn't Namjoon so cute?"
"Ahm...a little bit I guess."
Mrs.Park sighed.
"Now, who'll eat these snacks? Such a waste!"
Her husband frowned.
"Did you forget that you have a husband? I'll eat these."
She chuckled.

Meanwhile in the car-

"Hyung! Thanks for respecting my parents."
"Jimin! They're not just your parents. They're also mine."

They reached the mansion and went straight to their bedroom.
"Aren't you going to work?" Jimin asked.
"How can I go to work when a beautiful Angel is infront of me?"
"Oh so I'm an Angel? Then should I call you a devil? But you aren't really a devil."
Namjoon sat beside Jimin and bent towards him, whispering in his ear.
"If you want, I can be a devil for you." He said in a deep and husky voice.
"What do you mean?" Jimin asked being confused.
"This!" Saying that, he placed a kiss on Jimin's neck.
"Ahh!" He shivered up. "H-hyung! What are you doing?"
Namjoon backed off and saw Jimin being all nervous. He smiled and said,
"You're so innocent. Don't worry! I was just teasing you."
"Please don't tease me like that." His cheeks were all red.
Namjoon chucked and hugged him.
"Let's not rush things." After a moment, he attached his forehead to Jimin's one.
"I love you, my Angel!"
"I love you too my devil!"

Jimin thought that after getting married to Namjoon, his life would be completely ruined. But fate had written something else for him. He fell for the person whom he thought will ruin his life.
Both personalities were different but their paths were the same. They were meant to be together.
Arguments and fights kept happening in their married life but they never stopped loving each other. They were a happy couple.

So that was the story of An angel and a devil.

"Love isn't perfect but you gotta make it perfect,
by accepting all the flaws of your beloved."


Dear ARMY!
I hope you enjoyed reading my story. If you liked it, then please comment down and tell me your favourite part.

ANGEL HEART//\\DEVIL MIND~ {MINIMONI}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ