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The next morning -

"We're here." Namjoon stopped the car in front of Jimin's University. Jimin was about to get down but Namjoon held his hand. He looked at him confusingly.
"What? Let me go."
Namjoon raised his eyebrow and said,
"Don't you think you are forgetting something?"
Jimin started thinking.
"I took everything necessary. I didn't forget anything."
"You do."
"My kiss." Namjoon pointed to his cheek.
"You're not a kid. Leave my hand. I'm getting late."
"Nope. You won't go unless you gimme a peck."
"Please! I'll be late for class."
"You're wasting your time yourself."
Jimin sighed and checked here and there if anybody were watching. Then he quickly placed a peck on Namjoon's cheek.
"Happy? Now let me go."
His husband let go of his hand with a dimple smile on.
"Have a good day."
"You too!" He smiled back and entered the college, waving his hand to Namjoon.

Jimin was taking out his books from the locker when someone tapped on his shoulder. He looked back and saw a girl, smiling at him with a rose in her hand.
"Ahm...what can I do for you?" Jimin asked.
"Hey! Jimin! I'm Suzy. And I like you." Saying this, she put the rose infront of Jimin.
"Sorry Suzy! You know I'm not interested in girls still you-"
"I know, I know that you're into boys but please gimme a chance. I swear I'll make you fall for me." She pleaded.
"I can't."
"But why?"
"Because I already love someone. So don't bother me now." He said coldly. The girl widened her eyes hearing that.
He ignored the girl and went to his class. When he came to his seat, he didn't see his bestie. He sat down and texted him.
"Hey Tae! Class is going to start in some minutes. Where are you?"
The reply came instantly from the other side.
"Jimin! Actually, I was about to tell you that I'm not coming today because I'm going on a date with Kookie. So sorry! 😌"
"Couldn't you tell me a bit earlier?"
"Hehe! I forgot 😂."
"Whatever! Just enjoy your fucking date 😒."
"Okay then! See ya!"
"Yeah bye!

All day, Jimin was alone at college as Tae was the only friend he had.
After attending his last lecture, he packed his bag and was about to get up, when someone slammed his desk loudly, making him flinch.
A group of boys surrounded him.
"What do you want?" Jimin asked the boy who slammed his desk. He was kinda taller than him. He angrily glared at Jimin and bent a little towards him.
"How dare you betray me?"
"What're you talking about?"
"Oh, don't be so innocent like you don't know."
"I can't understand what are you saying."
"Didn't you hear the rumours that Park Jimin, the popular boy of college is in love. And students even saw you kissing someone."
"What so? Here I'm trying to win your heart and you're just playing around with others, you slut!"
Jimin directly looked into his eyes.
"Excuse me! You're the one who follow every girl and boy like a dog. Just how many girls you've dated yet and slept with? It makes you a slut, not me."
"How dare you to say that to me?" He harshly grabbed Jimin's chin. "You've such a big mouth. Lemme teach you a lesson."
Everyone gasped at that. They wanted to save Jimin as he's the angel of the campus so they didn't want him to get hurt but they couldn't do anything because the boy was strong and everyone feared him.
Many students were watching the drama. They even gathered a crowd.

Meanwhile -
"Excuse me! But can you tell me what's going on here?" Someone asked one of the guys."
"There's a fight going on between Jimin and Alex. The Angel is in trouble."
"And you're watching instead of helping him? Pathetic!" The person bitterly chuckled.
"We can't. Alex will beat the shit out of us."
"Stay aside! Lemme go in."
"Don't meddle unless you don't wanna get hurt."
"I don't care."
Pushing the crowd aside, he made his way inside of the class. He saw that the taller boy was about to hit Jimin.
"STOP RIGHT HERE!" He shouted, drawing everyone's attention.
Alex stopped and glared at the boy who shouted.
"What's your problem? Get outta here or else it won't be good for you."
"Leave that boy at once." He walked towards Alex.
"Looks like you don't love your bones. Boy! You must be out of your mind. I'm giving you last warning. Just go from here."
"I'm also giving you last warning. Leave him or else-"
"Or else what will you do, huh? You've got guts to talk to me like that. Do you even know who I'm?"
"Didn't your father tell you who you are?"
"You asshole! Let me deal with you first." He let go of Jimin's chin and moved his fist in the air, punching the the boy's face. It caused his lips to bleed. But he wiped the blood and again looked at him.
"Is that all? Lemme show you how to do it properly." Saying that, he punched his stomach hard that Alex fell on the floor, holding his stomach.
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaarg! How dare you!!!! Boys! Beat the shit out of him."
His boys ran to attack him together, but they got beaten badly. Alex tried to catch him from behind but he got hit on his balls, making him to kneel down and cry in pain. Jimin widened his eyes at the scene.
All of Alex's minions ran away, leaving him behind.
"If you again tried to hurt him, you would get more than that." The boy who badly hurt Alex, glared at him, making him to run away from there.

"Wow! He's so strong."
"Not just strong. Look how handsome he is."
"God! He looked so hot. I'm already having a crush on him. Just who is he?"
"I don't know. But seems like a second year student."
The students started gossiping about him.
"Don't gather unnecessary crowd here. Go!" He coldly said to the students. Soon the crowd reduced.
"Are you okay?" The boy went to Jimin.
"I should be the one asking that." He pulled out his handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the blood coming out of the boy's lips. "BTW! Thanks for saving me, umm.....!"
"It's Jung Hoseok." He said, giving a bright smile.
"Park Jimin, right?"
"How do you know?"
"Everyone in the campus know."
"Ahh... thanks anyway. You're pretty strong."
"Not that much. I'll get going then. See ya"
Hoseok left from there.
"He's a good guy." Jimin thought and smiled.

At night -

"Hyung, I'm thinking of taking some days off from college."
Jimin sighed heavily and told him whatever happened with him today.

"WHAT? He called you a slut? How dare he? I'm just gonna kill him." Namjoon fumed in anger.
"Calm down Hyung! He already got what he deserved. I'm mostly worried about the rumours. I told you not to come to drop me. They even saw me ki-kissing you."
"So what? People should mind their own business."
"I know but....*he sighed* just leave it. I'm gonna stay at home until the rumours get calmed down. I don't want another shit to happen."
"No Jimin! Go to college."
"But Hyung....!"
"Don't worry! I have an idea."
"What's going on in your mind?"
"You'll find out tomorrow." Namjoon smirked. Jimin knew that something is fishy.
"What's he gonna do now?" He wondered.

The next day-

"Jimin! I can't drop you today as I've got some urgent work so I gotta go early."
"It's ok. I'll go with the driver."
Namjoon nodded and left with his men following him.

After a while, Jimin also headed towards his university. Just entering the college, everyone started staring and gossiping about him. Jimin wasn't liking it at all.
He was walking when someone blocked his way. It was non other than Alex with his minions. Before Jimin could say anything they immediately bowed down, making him to step back.
"Jimin! We're truly sorry for yesterday. Please forgive us."
"It's ok! But what's got into you all of a sudden?"
"N-nothing! I just realised my mistake. Boys! Let's go!" Saying that, Alex and his minions ran away, leaving Jimin dumbfounded.
He found Tae standing near his locker and ran to him.
"Hey Tae!"
"Jimin you came! I was waiting for you."
"You know.... everyone's giving me weird looks and gossiping about me. I know it's not knew but it's kinda different."
Tae sighed.
"You'll know everything. Just go to the principal's office first. He was calling for you."
He nodded and went to the principal's office.
"May I come in sir?"
"Oh Jimin! Please come."
He entered inside and saw there was another man talking to the principal, back facing him. He found the tall figure kinda familiar and the clothing.....he widened his eyes, seeing that
Jimin was told to sit on the chair, beside the man. He sat down.
"Why did you call me, sir?"
"I wanted to have a talk with you. Why didn't you tell us that you're the husband of our college's trustee?"
"What?" He looked at the man sitting beside him with his side eye. He winked at him.
"So that's what he was talking about last night." Jimin thought.
"It's an honour that your husband study in our college, Mr.Kim." Principal said to Namjoon.
"No no! Don't say like that. He's still a normal student like everyone. If he ever got any complaint, don't hesitate to tell me. I'll teach him a good lesson." Namjoon said and glanced at Jimin, smirking, making the younger gulp.
"Ani! Jimin is a bright student. Even all the professors admire him."
"That's good! And BTW, Mr.Lee! I hope nothing like yesterday will happen to him again." He glared at principal, that he shivered deep down.
"I-I promise you that it won't happen. The boys already got suspended. Please rest assured."
When they came out, Jimin held Namjoon's hand and dragged him to the backyard of the college.
"What did you say to the principal?"
"That you're my husband."
"I'm not asking about that. That trustee thing. Did you lie? "
"Nope. I didn't lie. I own this college."
"Why didn't I know?"
"There's still so much that you need to know about me."
"But was it necessary to tell everyone that we're married?"
"Jimin! Whether you like it or not, get that in your mind that I'm pretty possesive. I don't like when others lay their hands on you. I hope you understand."
Jimin sighed.
"It's okay."
Namjoon smiled and patted his head.
"Go to your class now. See ya at home."
Jimin nodded and Namjoon left from there.
"He's really something." Jimin smiled.

ANGEL HEART//\\DEVIL MIND~ {MINIMONI}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz