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charter wife diary
set up
turn off the lights

Chapter 31 The Thirty-First Day·The rain is just a loss of money, woo woo...

    "Family, we are back!"

    Zhou Junhong's voice was like a bell. When his loud voice rang out, everyone in the factory heard it and poked their heads out one after another. The little carrot heads even came out in force, jumping for joy He reached Zhou Junhong and the others, and circled around them.

    "Uncle Hong, what did you bring back?!"

    "Dad, is there any candy?" "     Uncle Liu

    , you promised to bring me delicious food!"

The little boys who were pulling their pants pulled apart, passed through the group of monkeys, came to the middle of the open space of the factory, and put all the materials they brought back on the ground for everyone to see.

    "Family, here are the things we brought back from this trip. There are not many things, but they are very practical. Everyone can come and have a look!"

    Sister Zhu wiped her hands on her apron, pushed aside the crowd and pushed to the front.

    "Let me take a look, let me take a look, what good things did you all bring back... Potatoes?!"

    Sister Zhu originally said with some indifference, but when her eyes touched those round, earthy loess on the ground, When Huang Potatoes, the pitch of her voice suddenly raised in surprise, as if a whistle was blown suddenly, and the person next to her raised her hand to cover her ears reflexively.

    However, at this time, Sister Zhu had no time to care about the feelings of others. She squatted on the ground and picked up the potatoes one by one to look through them. Suddenly, she saw sweet potatoes with almost as many potatoes on one side—"Sweet potatoes

    ?! "

    Chinese cabbage?!"

    "There are corn and tomatoes?!"

    Sister Zhu's trembling hands could hardly hold these fresh fruits and vegetables. Her voice became more and more surprised, and even broke her voice in the end. Sister Zhu was not the only one who had similar symptoms, and other people knelt down to hold them. Seeing these long-lost vegetables and fruits was moved to tears. The children jumped up and down excitedly, holding hands and cheering loudly, but they did not take the only supplies without authorization. Let these children who are still ignorant become sensible.

    One of them was moved, but he also found that these materials did not add up to much: "Why are there only so few things?"

    After he reminded, everyone who was excited about the various crops realized that there was nothing but a pile of food on the ground. In addition to the few crops, another pile of supplies is even less inconspicuous. When you look closely, you can see a few scattered boxes of medicines, daily necessities, and even instant noodles and drinking water. Good stuff, but there are only two pieces for men and women, such a few things are completely useless for their nearly fifty people.

    After discovering this, the excited people calmed down a little, and turned their heads to look at Zhou Junhong, waiting for his explanation.

    Zhou Junhong noticed that everyone's attention was on him, and he also knew that he should give everyone an explanation. He sighed slightly, cleared his throat, and said loudly: "Everyone! I have to tell you, what you saw We bought all these supplies from the owner of Wuyou Apartment, Fang Youfang!"

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