"The blonde explosion boy."

"Oh that one."

Ryuka continued. "Then there's Endeavor's son, maybe Iida, the dumb jerk, and maybe the black bird dude but that's about it."

"What about that boy that kept breaking his fingers?" Sir Nighteye questioned, standing beside Ryuka who was sitting on the ground.

"That's Midoriya and he isn't weak. But still definitely not strong...compared to me." Ryuka stated.

"You're too arrogant."

"Thank you."

"That wasn't a compliment—" Quickly Nighteye received a kick to the stomach.

It happened so suddenly that he couldn't dodge. He turned off his Quirk after all.

Ryuka steadied herself on her hands so swiftly, kicking her legs in the air that she really managed to hit Nighteye in the stomach.

The hero was thrown backwards by the impact, while Ryuka landed on her feet again.

A proud look was on Ryuka's face. "How was that?" She asked.

Mirio's mouth stood wide open while Nighteye gritted his teeth. "You have a....strong kick." He gritted out.

"I know."

"Your punches are mediocre though." Mirio commented.

"...Nothing I do is mediocre. And shush." Ryuka glared at him. He only smiled back.

Nighteye walked towards her again, making Ryuka straighten up, expecting him to fight.

"You managed to kick me. For that you deserve a break. 20 minutes." He said, walking past her.

She smirked. "So one kick and you're already done—" But now Ryuka was interrupted by a kick to the stomach, throwing her to the ground.

"Now it's 10 minutes." Nighteye said, walking away again.

Mirio couldn't stop his laughter while Ryuka was breathing heavily on the ground.

"You shouldn't provoke him." He told her.

Ryuka only showed him the middle finger.

- - - - -

After that Ryuka and Sir Nighteye trained every day until night. Sometimes they would go on patrol but nothing big ever happened.

Their training was mostly Ryuka being kicked around by the pro hero, but her pain made her learn.

Nighteye knew some good fighting moves and techniques, and Ryuka caught on. Not to mention that her speed increased gradually. After the hundredth time of being kicked around, you learn to move faster to avoid that.

The last day of the internship arrived soon, and Ryuka was just packing her stuff because she would leave the next day.

A knock on her door was heard. "Yeah?"

The door opened and Mirio stepped inside, the two of them would hang out often in the last days, and also train together.

"Hey, I'm going to eat ramen with a friend, you love ramen right? Wanna come?"

Ryuka smiled at him. "Course." And just like that she abandoned her packing and followed Mirio outside.

When they arrived at the ramen place, Ryuka was focused on her phone, messaging  Shinso while trotting beside Mirio.

"We're here!" He exclaimed, walking inside.

Ryuka put her phone away, her eyes widening in curiosity at the boy sitting at the table, waiting for them. He didn't look up until Mirio greeted him.

"Tamaki!" Mirio smiled. The dark haired boy looked up, his eyes shifting from Mirio to Ryuka and immediately he looked downwards again.

He seemed surprised.

Mirio sat down on the table while Ryuka remained standing. "Tamaki, this is Tanaka, our Kohai from U.A."

Tamaki shyly looked up into Ryuka's cold stare. "Hello R-Ryuka-chan."

Mirio was surprised. "Huh?"

Ryuka walked towards Tamaki, her eyes cold. He shuddered unter her stare, looking everywhere but in her eyes. "...Tama-kun..."

Just as Tamaki was about to sweat from fright, Ryuka bent down to him and embraced the boy in a tight but gentle hug.

"...Why are you avoiding me at school hm?" Ryuka asked almost sadly.

'...why? I would've been happy to see you more often...'

"S-Sorry...." Tamaki shyly hugged back, while Mirio only stared baffled.

"Now wait a minute, you two know each other?" He asked.

Ryuka nodded while distancing herself from the boy. "Tama-kun is my big cousin!" Ryuka smiled, finally sitting down on the table with them.


"...Yeah uhm, our dads were—are brothers." Tamaki said.

"Twins." Ryuka retorted, pretending to overhear his slip up.

"...Huh, didn't expect that, how nice!" Mirio smiled.

"Yeah!" Ryuka smiled back.

"Yeah..." Tamaki tried to force a smile.

The whole time that they ate, mostly Ryuka and Mirio were talking. Tamaki couldn't even look Ryuka in the eye and it hurt the girl deeply.

They were once so close. A family.

Those were the old days.

'What the hell happened with us, with our family...'

- - - - -

• 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕗𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟𝕔𝕖 • 𝕊.𝕋𝕠𝕕𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕜𝕚 •जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें