Ann Takamaki: God, I feel like all you guys are just a bunch of pervs!

The group walks away from Yusuke's house and continue their conversation.

Ryuji Sakamoto: I have to say, Madarame definitely wasn't what I was expecting; like Yusuke said, he seems like a chill old man.

Ann Takamaki: Yeah, he didn't really seem like the guy that Nakanohara made it seem like he was at all.

Akira Kurusu: It could be a show; just because Kamoshida was so willing to show everyone how much a prick he was doesn't mean that everyone's that way. A lot of people want to hide that shit.

Ann Takamaki: I guess that's true.

Morgana pops his head out of Akira's backpack.

Morgana: I still don't trust the guy; when I was doing my recon, I noticed a locked door in that house. Who the hell has an actual lock, that needs a key, on a door, if they aren't hiding something? Mother fucker is up to something, I can feel it! I say we use the Metaverse navigator to see if he has a palace; remember, we need a full name, a place, and what his palace actually is!

Akira Kurusu: I guess it wouldn't hurt anything.

Akira takes out his phone and opens the navigator app on it, before speaking into it. Akira speaks into the Metaverse app on his phone.

Akira Kurusu: "Ichiryusai Madarame."

Navigation App: PALACE FOUND!

Ryuji Sakamoto: Dude, he totally has one after all; Nakanohara wasn't lying!

Akira speaks into the Metaverse app, again.

Akira Kurusu: "Madarame residence."

Navigation App: Location found.

Morgana: Now, all we need is what his palace actually is; Kamoshida's palace was a castle...we just have to brainstorm potential ideas. It could take a while but I feel like if we put in the time...

Akira speaks into the Metaverse app.

Akira Kurusu: "Art Museum."

Navigation App: All three key words have been entered; would you like to travel to the palace, now?

Akira speaks into the Metaverse app.

Akira Kurusu: Yeah, sure.


The world around the group begins to shift and change into the Metaverse, ending the scene.

Int. Metaverse – Continuous

The scene opens to the group inside of the Metaverse, coming to terms with where they are. The group are all in their Metaverse costumes and Morgana is in his anthropomorphic form.

Morgana: What the hell are you thinking, fool? Doing this shit out in the open like that?!

Ann Takamaki: Uh, guys?

Akira Kurusu: It's not my fault, I didn't see any issue with it at the time...

Morgana: Man, you are way too damn lax on this shit!

Akira Kurusu: It's not like anyone saw us or anything, relax.

Ann Takamaki: Uh, guys?

Ryuji Sakamoto: I knew that old man was up to something; he was acting way too nice. Good thing we checked his name in the navigation app or this bastard would have...

The Phantom Thieves of Hearts Pt. 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें