New Version - Oneshot [Edited]

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He cried and hugged her. She can't explain. He kept crying on her shoulder.

Lee Yeon: you are pretty with your pink hanbok. What's this dress? Why you are wearing this...

Ah-eum (Ji ah) said everything to him.

Lee Yeon: So, you are from future and I'm your husband there?

Ah-eum hummed. "Your future self is waiting for me"

Lee Yeon: whom you want to kill?

Ah-eum: A golden mask. He is the one who is spreading imugi.

Lee yeon moved back. "Are you cured from imugi?"

Ah-eum said that she's alright and doubted, "my imugi self would be roaming here right?"

Lee Yeon: aniyo. You died. (Aniyo means no)

Ah-eum hummed. Lee yeon saw her. "That doesn't make sense. You are alive here. Ah-eum..." - he smiled. She sighed.

[Present Lee Yeon at Taluipa's place]

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

[Present Lee Yeon at Taluipa's place]

"What a shit! How can you send her? She have no powers. You insane old lady....!"

Taluipa: don't shout. She'll be back.

Lee Yeon: Alright. If she's not back..., I'll kill you

He sat on the sofa in front of her.

[Someone robbed her cellphone

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

[Someone robbed her cellphone. Lee Yeon and Ah-eum chasing him]

It's a hut. The robber running to his boss. "Boss, boss, help me"

He threw his hammer. Lee Yeon protected her with his hanbok. Lee yeon and Lee rang saw them again. She pondered.

"Lee rang, you are alive in this era! Wah" - she ran to him and hugged. He shook.

Lee Yeon: yah!

Lee rang pushed her and adjusted his dress.

She got up. "Lee rang, your brother missed you so much"

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