Chapter 33

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The day passed the couples reached home with a happy tried faces, retarded to the rooms to get some sleep as next day is mehendi ceremony. Vishakha left to mumbai, she came on the instance of Sharon but now she hate her only because of her, she lost her bestfriend, before leaving she apologized to Kriya and Rey, they forgave, but things won't be the same, she didn't wanted to even see Sharon face so she informed only Simi. When Sharon got to know she was hurt that one by one everyone are going away but she yet have to realise and face till she don't repentance.
The whole day passed with arrangements, everyone worked like a one family, no ladki wala and ladke wala thing applied during work. Adi busy doing the calls to the business associates who are going to attend the wedding, he was also attacked by the ladies time to time for countless things. The bride Taani had her own set of tension of outfits, jewellery, etc etc.



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Taani Outfit

Aditya Outfit

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Aditya Outfit

Aditya Outfit

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Avni Outfit

Avni Outfit

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