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- It's them! one of them yells at the others. Throughout the next second, Eve seems to think, and then she tells me to hold my rifle up. I obey, and hold the rifle clearly visible for our enemies. Eve then asks me to turn the barrel a little more to the right, I do not understand her point but I still obey. What is the point of threats when they cannot be fulfilled, anyway? These three gentlemen might find their own lives a price worth paying to eradicate us.

- You are aware that I...AH! She pushes me down from the truck, so that I haste through the soldiers and cause a hole in the wooden box with my weapon. Shortly after, the front side begins to loosen, and once I have thrown it aside I stare right into the eyes of PD-4003. It does not look like me at all, it has long, dark hair, dark skin and some facial hair on its chin. I am going to refer to 'it' as 'he' from now on. He stares back at me, and the whole situation gets kind of uncomfortable.

- Would you like to register as a user of punchINC's products? PD-4003 asks me, probably by the computer part of his intelligence. Eve and Sam look at each other, and three soldiers that are now five look a bit confused at me and the other D-class AssaultBot.

- So the D-class is not unique for PD? Sam notes.

- Seems so, Eve responds.

- They're in collusion! a soldier roars, and the armed quintet come even closer. I then have an idea. I cannot scream extremely loud anymore, since I have gotten too used to feeling severe pain, but maybe PD-4003 has not. Alas, I cannot cause him any pain, I lack all skills by the means of combat - save the verbal.

- You are right, all of mankind next! I tell PD-4003, whom obviously does not understand what I am talking about. Just as I expected, someone instinctively pulls a trigger and shoots him, and the machine falls onto his knees and opens his mouth.

I deactivate my sense of hearing, and nod at the others as to recommend them doing the same. However, the soldiers cover their ears and fall to their knees as I expected, and when I activate my hearing again it turns out the shriek was not as bad as mine once was. The sound effect itself is more or less identical, but it feels like the volume is blocked little more than halfway through. Sam and Eve have already run into the dark terminal, and hopefully they have activated their hearing as well. The soldiers begin to discuss something, and the little time I get is used when casting a quick glance at PD-4003.

- We will be back for you later, I tell him, whom does not seem sur whether he should take this as a comfort or a threat. I run into the terminal, with the soldiers close behind. Before they have reached the building, they stop and equip strange glasses, probably some kind of night vision. I already have this myself, and do not even have to consciously activate it.

I slide to the side, and hide behind a cardboard box. The armed men run around in the darkness, and do not seem to spot me despite my lack of camouflage. I advance to a pile of empty boxes, believing they will provide me a better hideout. It is first now that I really focus on what the soldiers say and do.

- This way, I heard something, someone says.

- AAAHHH! I got one! snother soldier yells.

- What's going on over there?! somebody else asks.

- Wait! That's not one of them, somebody else says.

- It's already shown they collaborate with the most unlikely, the first voice mentions.

- No, I'm not a robot! I just work here at the inventory! a frightened voice says, undeniably one of a human individual.

- Get out of here! a voice answers in a sharp tone. The thin man shambles out of the stock with his spine cranked, and sighs deeply when he leaves the door behind.Suddenly, the lights turn on, and at least two previously unheard people enter the room.

Attacking AggressivelyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz