That night Nick went straight to his shift at breadsticks, he walked in and saw a few familiar faces, but was shocked to see the brunette cheerleader he's been fooling around with and her blonde sidekick in a booth. They waved him over as he walks in and he heads straight to their booth.
"Well, well, well long time no see. How are you iceman?" Santana asks in her seductive voice, leaning up towards him stroking his arm.
"Wait Nick are you actually made of ice?"
Brittany sincerely asks.
"No, no Brit I'm not. Anyways what can I help you two fine ladies with this evening?" Nick flips his note pad over.

The evening shift was busy and the two cheerleaders had left around ten minutes ago, Nick was finally allowed to go for his break and he was relieved. Nick grabbed his jacket and heads outside, down the side of the restaurant away from prying eyes. When things got bad for Nick unfortunately he has a very bad habit of self destruction and would try to smoke his troubles away. He didn't even like the taste of the tobacco that would linger in his mouth, but as he exhaled the smoke he forgot all about that for a moment.
"Nicholas Henley you sly boy, I would never expect this filthy habit from you." He jumps at the girls voice.
"Santana, shit you scared me. I thought you left with Brit?" Nick questions.
"She got picked up so I hung around. Hoping to see you. Believe it or not glee has been boring without you. Why have you not been in this week?" She asks, looking directly at the boy as if she's daring him to lie.
"Oh I've just had a lot going on. Also I heard about the hair stuff, it's not really my thing." He replies honestly.
"Well that's a shame." Santana shifts her weight on her feet, as Nick has noticed the space between them getting suspiciously smaller.
"What do you mean that's a shame? Did you miss me Lopez?" Nick taunts, leaning towards her.
"You wish! I just missed doing this." Santana admits as hers and Nicks lips find each other at the same time. The kiss is rough and frantic, as Nick turns them around so Santanas back is against the wall. She jumps as he catches her his arms securely holding her as the two feverishly kiss. His lips find their way to her neck, but little does the boy know that while he's leaving a trail of love bites, the cheerleader is sending messages to a certain mowhawked male who Nick hates.


The next day Nick was at his locker putting things away when he hears a locker slam and the voice of Santana,
"Keep your paws off my man! Clear?" The girl begins to walk away. Nick turns around and sees a confused Quinn stood staring at her as the brunette cheerleader walks around her, "Nick? Are you delusional?"
"No not Nick." Santana begins to walk down the corridor.
"Who's your man?" Quinn shouts after her as Santana turns back around.
"Don't play stupid tubbers. Oh and for the record asking someone to babysit with you is super 90's." Santana sassily states. Nick stares at the two leaning back against his locker, watching the confrontation like a tennis match back and forth.
"I happen to know that Puck cares about me." Quinn declares.
"Oh wake up! While you two were babysitting, Puck and I were sexting." Santana announces as both Nick and Quinn look at her in confusion.
"Sexting?" Quinn asks.
"Sexy texting. Seriously, what era are you from? While you two were playing house, Puck and I were trading super hot texts. Why don't you check his cell phone? Cause my sexts are too hot to erase." Santana replies and goes to walk away leaving a crestfallen Quinn, Nick decides to make his presence known and slams his locker door, causing Santana to glance back and smirk at him. He follows after her head down avoiding eye contact with Quinn.

"Hey Lima heights! What the fuck was that about? You were texting puck why you were with me weren't you?" Nick whisper shouts as he follows after her, she spins around and looks at him unbothered, "Nick it's not a big deal so what if I was sexting Puck. I'm not your girlfriend I'm a free agent, now are we done? I need to see Britt."
"Oh we're done alright! Have fun sexting that walking sti!" Nick scoffs out and turns away storming down the corridor. He knew Santana didn't owe him anything, but the Puck part of it all is what annoyed him. Puck the mowhawked womaniser it made him feel sick, what did the girls see in him, then it dawned on him... why was Quinn even babysitting with him?

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