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"By the way, Akashi," - you say, beginning a new conversation - "I met Kise on the bus yesterday."

"You did?"

"Yes! I found out that in addition to the basketball club and his job as a model, he even wants to take an online cooking class and sign up for Chinese classes!" – you say with a laugh, watching Akashi's palm move over his forehead.

"It's really something to be expected from him: every time he gets excited about everything, and ends up having too many irons on the fire. Not to mention that we are in our senior year..."

"I know, I thought the same! But it will never change, that's how that guy is!" – you conclude with a resigned laugh.

Your other friends from the Generation are all fine: they're very attached to their school teams and improve visibly – which seems impossible, given how high their level already was in their first year. The Winter Cups became more and more heated, but despite the first defeat, Rakuzan managed to win the following championships.

Between one speech and another you finish eating, take about ten minutes to digest the dinner and, at the end, go to the cashier.

"Akashi, do you want me to take you home?" – you ask once you leave the restaurant – "I drove here, so there's no need to disturb your driver."

"Are you sure? I'd love to."

"Yes, no problem!"

Once this decision is made, you guide him to the place where you parked and open your door, noticing that (as usual) Akashi has already pulled the handle to open his door too, failing miserably since your car doesn't have a centralized opening. As soon as you notice it, you give him the evil eye with a smile:

"You always forget about it, don't you?"

"It's stronger than me, I can't help it!" – he replies with a laugh.

"Come on, let's go." – you invite him.

The distance that separates the restaurant from his house is quite short, so you decide to stop and chat a little more before saying goodbye: you park not far from his house, you unfasten your seatbelts and continue to laugh and joke like children. Between a chat about your favorite series and your classic nonsense speech, a confidence creeps in.

"By the way, shouldn't you have gone out to have dinner with your family today?"

"Yep. In the end everything was cancelled, but I don't want to bore you with this..."

"Don't say that, you know there's no problem for me. It's up to you, if you feel like telling me about it or not."

After a moment of silence, he tells you about a series of family quarrels that sadden you, even more so knowing that they arose from small, avoidable discussions. You know very well that to talk openly about such problems is very difficult for him (because a family like his can be nothing but perfect, right?), which is why you're always very grateful to him every time he chooses to give you a piece of his heart. Few things make you as happy as knowing that others consider you a trustworthy person, to entrust with their heart and thoughts.

Discovering this situation, in which you obviously can't intervene personally, your goal is to keep him out of the house as much as possible and help him to distract himself: you try to bring the attention back to the funniest and most positive things, until you see him smile again. At that point it's almost eleven o'clock, and there comes one of those moments when speeches are dropped to make it clear that it's time to go. Catching the hint, you press the clutch and turn the keys, then turn on the headlights and shoot air on the windshield that's all fogged up.

"Uhm... Could you turn off the car for a second?"

You turn to him surprised.

"Y-yes..." – you whispers obeying, not understanding in the slightest what is happening. Your very first thought is that he wants to ask you to drive or fiddle with some car settings, and you're already thinking about how to remind him that he doesn't have a license.

Intrigued, you turn to him waiting for explanations. But instead of explanations, the situation becomes even more intricate:

"Close your eyes."

Not understanding a thing makes the whole thing funny, and confusion reaches its highest level when it asks you:

"Promise me you won't get angry, ok?"

"Well, I'd say yes! I have no idea what's going on, but I'm not going to get angry." – you answer with your eyes closed, trying to hold back the inappropriate laughter. You take a deep breath attempting to calm yourself down, and before you know it, his right hand gently draws your face and his lips rest on yours.

With your mouth and eyes wide open, you look at the smile he has printed on his face, which seems to say "Yeah. I really did it."

For a few moments you remain silent, literally speechless. It was sudden, unexpected, something you never thought would happen. But instead it did, and you can't figure out if you're dreaming or awake. You gently slap yourself on the cheeks, still completely incredulous, until you can find the strength to speak. Of course, you show him your feelings are mutual by kissing him in return, and then rest your head on his shoulder dreamily. You keep talking about what's just happened: when you started thinking about it, how you'll tell your friends and family, how completely astounded you both are by all this. The only certainty you have is that physical contact with him literally sends you to heaven: his arm around your shoulders, the hand that gently caresses your head, those kisses that he places on your head and forehead... God, how long have you waited for them! No mental film could have matched such a wonderful feeling.

"Do you hear my heart?"

Curious, you move your head slightly over his chest until you can hear it.

"Yes, now I hear it!"

"It's fast, isn't it?"

Fast to say the least, it's pounding: you would never have thought of arousing such emotions in a person, and knowing it really warms your heart. Even more so when he tells you that his right hand is still shaking: the one he used to get you closer to him, still soaked in that feeling.

For endless seconds you both stay silent, enjoying one of the most beautiful moments ever. It's pretty unusual for something or someone to leave you completely speechless, but you're just able to press your head on his chest to realize that all this is really happening.

"Well, apparently you'll have to thank family quarrels!" – you say with a laugh, thinking that if he had gone to eat out with his parents today, none of this would have happened. The series of lucky coincidences that have brought you here and now in this situation can only make you think that if something is meant to be, it will be. Life will find a way, and even the most difficult moments, with the right person, can become the origin of the greatest joys.

When the hands of the clock approach midnight, you decide to your great displeasure to end the evening and go home – the last thing you want to do, because you know very well that you'll miss those arms, so strong and so sweet that make you feel protected and loved like nothing else in the world. But tomorrow is Monday and you have to be strong, thinking that soon you'll see each other again.

"Well, then. I'm going home not to sleep." – you say, already anticipating that thoughts will keep you awake for a long time.

"Oh, me too. Tomorrow morning I'll be in a catatonic state wondering if all this has happened or not."

You say goodbye with a laugh and a last kiss, and as you get home you can't help but think about the new chapter of your lives that has just begun and that already looks wonderful. In your mind, one word:


Song used in the title: Enchanted - Taylor Swift

(ENG) KUROKO NO BASKET ONESHOTSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora