Hearing his sister's words of resentment, Xie Qilin expression turned wooden as he stood up, "Wanyu, I am going out of a walk."

Xie Wanyu was afraid she had spoken too much and made her brother unhappy, she hurriedly nodded, "Alright."

Xie Qilin walked out of the inner courtyard, his mind was filled with his sister's words. His own family talked about Ban Hua in such a way, how about other people outside?

He was young and impetuous, he didn't actually dislike Ban Hua, he just couldn't accept that his family decided on his marriage like that.

Four years ago after he was engaged to Ban Hua, he heard some displeasing rumours. Some said Xie family wanted very much to please the Grand Princess that they could even sacrifice their son. Some others said Ban Hua looked beautiful but her behaviour was outlandish beyond belief, Xie Qilin was a vulgar person who only cared about outward appearance and neglected inner substance, and he wouldn't dare to say anything even if he was cuckolded.

After hearing so many of those, he had gradually became more and more repulsed of Jingting residence people that visiting Ban family felt like humiliation.

He eloped with that courtesan wasn't because he really liked her, he just wanted to show others that he Xie Qilin wasn't some man who bent his waist in front of a woman for the sake of power, he would rather be with a courtesan instead of with Ban Hua.

After he returned home and heard how people had made a laughing-stock out of Ban Hua, he only realised he had chosen the worst way to dissolve the engagement. Since then he almost never appeared in front of Ban Hua, he didn't have the face to do so.

Only when he saw her again the other day on the street, he found the slightly green young girl in the past had turned into a dazzling pearl whose presence noone could ignore.

Amidst the clamour of the street, she was the only vivid flame in a grey world, she was so bedazzling to the eyes that he was ashamed to face her.

On the back of his tall horse with the silver mask to cover his ruined eye, he was still an elegant gentleman in the eyes of everyone else, but only he himself knew that the world of a one-eye man had shrunk, dimmed and narrow.

"Second Xie-gongzi." Shi Feixian lifted the curtain of her carriage to look at Xie Qilin on the horseback. A guilty and complicated looks appeared on her face, "How have you been lately?"

Xie Qilin gave Shi Feixian a salute, calmly said, "Thank you Miss Shi, I am very well."

The fingers Shi Feixian lifted the curtain with were slightly trembled, "I am sorry, I....."

"Yo, isn't this the Second Xie-gongzi?" Ban Heng's waddled over on his horseback and shot a mocking glance at those two, "Second Xie-gongzi has always been fond of women from red-light district, how is it that today...."

"Ban-shizi," Xie Qilin interrupted Ban Heng, "The grudge is between our two families, don't involve others."

"Tsk," Ban Heng rolled his eyes at Shi Feixian, the whites of his eyes were about to fly to the sky, but he couldn't see anything amiss with the two of them.

"What grudge do I have with you, stop saying my family your family. My family has never committed bribery and fraud, never played favourites, and never preyed on people."

Bystanders around them didn't know Ban Heng, they naturally thought highly of him, this person must be from an honourable and ethical family.

Shi Feixian had never meet anyone as shameless as Ban Heng. What was it to say their family had never committed bribery and fraud, bluntly speaking wasn't it because none of them held a real job?

I Am This Type of Woman Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin