Final Digimon/ Lunor Vola

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( It has been three days since the last battle. Since then, word has gotten out that what remains of the decepticons have dwindled even more. The only Decepticons left are Megatron, Breakdown, knockout, Dreadwing, and Airachnid. The  Decepticon ship was found crashed in a desert area. When the Autobots went to search the ship. All they found were the offline bodies of Decepticon drones. Then meant that There was only a handful of Decepticons left. This gave the autobots the advantage they needed. It wasn't until they got an alert from Fowler that the remaining Decepticon were attacking New York did Optimus tell to his autobots that their war was coming to a close. Once this was said,  the autobots ran through the ground bridge to engage their enemy. There they split off to fight their respective opponents, though  Strongarm assisted Arcee against Airachnid while  Sideswipe fought Dreadwing)

" ( Watches the autobots battle the decepticons while Fowler and his men evacuated the people). Their feeble attempt at ending their war is a waste of time. ( Looks at his two partners). Destroy a few area's in this given sector. Let's draw out the traitor and the digidestined." Said a dragon like digimon. " Verry well, though you must be aware that trying to separate the traitor from her partner may cause our plan to crumble." Said a black version of Icedivimon as they launched attacks at the city.

( With the autobots)

" ( Stabs his sword into Knockputs cheast and then helps Bumblebee up). That's two cons down, now we just need to. ( Stops after looking to his right to see the dead body of Airachnid land right across from him with Arcee and Strongarm walking over to them). Help the rest of the team." Said  Sideswipe. " Sounds good, let's go help Bulkhead." Said  Bumblebee as they ran over to Bulkhead. " ( Runs over toward  Bulkhead and then fires her arm canon at  Breakdown). Though I'm surprised you beat  Dreadwing. He's not your average con." Said Arcee. " You know how we cyber ninjas do Arcee, we use the environment to our advantage." Said Sideswipe as  Bumblebee shoots Breakdown in the cheast point blank. " All that's left is to help Optimus." Said  Bulkhead.

" ( Looks up to see five of the buildings around get hit by four energy-based attacks). Where did those come from? ( Looks up to her left to see three Digimon on top of a nearby building).  Scrap, digimon are here. We need to stay cautious and warn Optimus." Said Arcee. "   Why don't Arcee and myself keep an eye on the digimon while you three go get Optimus?" Said  Strongarm as they all looked up and watched as a shimmer flies over them and then crashes into the four different areas. " Those areas were where Fowler had most of his men stationed. I hope everyone is ok." Said Bulkhead as the team looks up to see the three digimon. 

( Dorbickmon)

( Shadow Serephmon)

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( Shadow Serephmon)

( Shadow Serephmon)

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