Chapter 1: Just Talia

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A/N: Welcome to the first chapter of The Deadly Nightshade. I just wanted to reiterate the TRIGGER WARNING. This book contains graphic depictions of violence, sexual assault, abuse, and trauma. Again, if there's anything I missed, please let me know. Hope you enjoy.


Talia Semenov walked through the streets of Ketterdam, her long dress and cape swaying in the wind as she walked. Her curly blonde hair lightly hovered around her waist. She was rushing to meet someone who would give her the thing she wanted most in this gruesome world, weapons. To some, this may seem ridiculous. First, why did she desire weapons the most? Well, she always felt a fascination towards sharp and shiny objects, almost as if she was destined to have them, to keep them. Second, why hadn't she gotten any before this? To be honest, she didn't have enough money. Yes, she stole items from people on the street but that wasn't nearly enough to buy personalized weapons, especially if she wanted to eat every day. Food was the second most important thing to her, right behind weapons. Third was clothes, more specifically, beautiful dresses. Anyway, she had arrived at the house she had been walking to and a tall man stood in her way as she tried to enter. She looked up at the large house in front of her. The outside of the building was stone grey, and extensive windows lined the front. The glass was thoroughly cleaned, so clear she would be able to see her dashing reflection in them. She focused on the door, which was caramel brown with polished gold embellishment curling around the edges. The towering man cleared his throat and her eyes landed on him once more. 

'I'm The Deadly Nightshade. He's expecting me.' Talia stated as she looked up at the handsome stranger with a smile. Yes, she seemed very confident on the outside yet her insides felt like they were twirling into knots. The man led her inside, down an extended corridor that was lined with distinctly detailed ornaments and vases. Her black boots clinked against the mahogany wood flooring which the glowing lights perfectly reflected. The emerald walls loomed over her as she rushed to keep up with the man in front. He suddenly stopped in front of white double doors, roughly knocking on them. A male voice replied and they entered the office. Talia looked around at the luxurious office, admiring the gold and teal patterned wallpaper, the dark wood desk which shined to perfection, the gold-plated lamps in every corner of the room, the red velvet and gold chair placed by the desk, and the wood cabinet which housed expensive drinks and crystal glasses. It was all so beautiful and way out of Talia's reach. Her eyes landed on the bearded man who sat behind the desk. As soon as he saw her, he stood and walked over to her. The man was extremely attractive, for an older guy. He held out his hand and she gently shook it, not wanting to make too much contact. His hand was rough but clean and wound-free. She knew by that information and by his smug face that he was a rich prat who hired others to do his work. Her breath hitched at the prolonged contact. Okay, he was handsome but he also gave off a creepy vibe.

'The Nightshade.' He said as he let go of her hand.

'You are?' She asked as she wiped her hand on her dress while she shivered.

'Pekka Rollins. Nice to meet you.' He sat down in the seat behind his desk and gestured for her to sit on the chair opposite. She obliged and carefully sat down, crossing her legs.

'I heard you can get me some personalized weapons.' She said, getting straight to the point. He nodded.

'That, I can do.'

'What would you want in return?' She knew how businessmen worked, nothing was free, not in this place.

'I need you to follow someone and listen in on their conversations.' He said as he leaned towards her. She leaned back, as far away as possible. His breath smelled like a mix of peppermint and honey. A sweetness masking a stronger scent. She looked into his deceitful grey eyes and a chill ran down her spine. He was someone she never wanted to touch again and she didn't know why. That thought alone creeped her out.


'Kaz Brekker, The Bastard of the Barell, Dirtyhands.' He spat as he raised his eyebrows. Wow, these nicknames. And Talia thought her nickname was intense.

'Okay.' She agreed. Rollins raised his eyebrows higher.

'Just like that?'

'Yeah, I really want my weapons.' And she couldn't say no to attractive people, but that was a second thought. And no matter how creepy this man was, he was still attractive. Damn her stupid mind.

'Okay, describe these weapons to me and I will give them to you a week from now, but only if you gather information about him and what he's up to.' He got a piece of paper out of his drawer and a pen with ink.

'Yes, sir.' She said as she explained the weapons she wanted in detail.


The next night, she went to the Crow Club, knowing that Kaz Brekker owned it. She entered as no one was guarding the door. She saw tables and chairs scattered around the room as well as some gambling tables. Talia wasn't good at gambling, nor was she ever interested in trying, so instead, she walked over to the bar and ordered a drink. While she was waiting, a man approached her, sliding in beside her. She glanced at the Zemeni boy's darker skin and beautiful brown hair, as well as the smirk on his face, and knew she was done for. He was extremely beautiful. She turned to him.

'Who are you and what are your intentions in approaching me?' She asked bluntly while narrowing her eyes at him.

'Jesper Fahey. Just getting a drink, darling.' He said with a wink as he ordered a drink.

'And here I thought you came over here to flirt with me, darling.' He smiled at her words.

'Well, you know, that's an added bonus.' He said as he downed a shot. Talia took a sip of her drink while staring at him. 'What's your name, anyway?'

'Talia.' She said, putting down the glass.

'Last name?' He asked with a raised eyebrow.

'Just Talia.' She said, not feeling comfortable with sharing her whole identity with a stranger, especially in the Crow Club.

'Well, just Talia, how about we carry on this conversation somewhere else.' He asked as his hand grazed hers, and a shiver made its way around her body. She looked down at their touching hands and then back up at him with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

'And where might that be, Jesper Fahey?' She looked into his gorgeous brown eyes which momentarily distracted her from the growing nauseating feeling Talia was experiencing. And she hated this feeling, especially right now, because Jesper seemed like a decent person.

'Jesper.' Someone called and she instantly jolted away from him. She slowly sipped on her drink as another man approached him. The man was also attractive but his gaze was dark and his features were sharp. She instantly knew he was Kaz Brekker due to the aura he carried himself with.

'Yes, boss.' He said as he turned to look at Kaz.

'I need to talk to you.' Kaz looked warily at Talia and then back at Jesper. Talia couldn't help but be drawn to the man in front of her, The Bastard of the Barrel. He was dark and sinister and he was someone she shouldn't like, but her feelings were something the couldn't control. She was always a sucker for any attractive person and she knew how shallow that was, but she didn't care.

'I'll be there soon, boss.'

'Hurry up.' He said as he gave one more stern look at Talia before leaving. Jesper turned back to face her while deeply sighing.

'What was that about?'

'Probably about this emerald necklace that he's been talking about stealing.' Jesper said, shaking his head. But Talia could tell there was excitement behind his gleaming eyes. Talia took in the information but didn't ask about it further as she didn't want him to get suspicious.

'Anyway,' she started as she forced herself to hold his hand. He looked down at her face. 'If you want my... services, I'll be here every night.' She said as she walked away from him, looking back once to see his eyes on her, and then leaving the Crow Club.


A/N: Thoughts and predictions?

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