"What, are you, like, not allowed to have a phone?" He asks as he looks down at his own, "no. I just- i choose not to, its a thing, you wouldn't get it" she answers clearly annoyed with him. "What's the text say?" She asks again, seeming as he couldn't get over the no phone thing i answered instead "classes are cancelled, they're shutting down all the schools near the fire" i couldn't help but feel happy about that, school was boring, depressing too.

"Why wouldn't i get it?" Evan then asks Blake too which she answers him "its personal preference... I dont have a phone, no computer, no email, everyone's got a thing. Ive got a thing about phones and you have a psychotic tremor" i laugh a little at that "oooh, dude" i say , Blake gives me a small smile which i return, something me or her don't do alot of. "Its psychogenic tremor" he tells her.

She looks at him questioningly "what's the difference?" He answers her as if its obvious "im not psychotic", i mumble under my breath loud enough for them both to hear me "could have fooled me" . At the same time Blake also asks him "you sure about that?" I laugh and the two of us fist bump as Evan just looks at us with a look on his face that said 'really'.

Suddenly phones start going off again and a boy i know as Austin held his phone up to everyone "they're evacuating Altadena and Eagle Rock" he tells us. I release a breathe i didn't even know i was holding, that's not where i live. Blake has a look of worry on her face as she stands up from her seat "i live in Altadena" she says, another girl questions with the same worried expression on her face "did you say Eagle Rock?"

Austin then speaks again "Atwater Village, too" , thankfully, again, that's not where me and Cherry live, "but they're doing that to be safe right?" The girl asks again "it doesn't mean our actual houses are burning down?" She adds, Austin then answers her bluntly "if they're saying evacuate, i think they're pretty worried about shit burning down", well, as rude as that sounded, he has got a point.

Blake then looks to Phoebe, a girl I didn't really like but i know her and Blake used to be friends "hey, Phoebe, can i borrow your phone for a sec?"
She asks her, not really sure why she bothered, she could have just used mine "i just need to send a message to my brother" she adds as Phoebe turns her attention onto her. "For real?" Phoebe asks "you dont talk to me for over a year and now you want to be friends again?" She adds.

I roll my eyes "she never asked to be friends, she asked to use your phone, there's a difference!" I tell her , she scoffs back at me "shut up freak, nobody asked you!" I just giggle shaking it off so to speak, "no, i- i just want to borrow your phone" Blake tells her earning a smirk off me. Phoebe looks at her "your unbelievable" she says before turning her back on Blake.

Me and Blake aren't exactly what you call friends but more of friendly acquaintances i guess. When she and her brother , Danny, went into the system after her parents were having problems we ended up in the same place. Up until that point, Blake had never really spoken to me , nobody wanted to get to know me though so it was nothing new.

Being in the same place though meant talking to each other, we learned more about one and other, Blake listened to me as i did with her and even after the two Navarro siblings went back to their dad, she never forgot me. I have to admit i was grateful for, it was just nice knowing someone had my back if you get what i mean, we actually have a similar sense of humor, sometimes anyway.

"You need to open the door, right now" Austin suddenly tells Renata, interrupting my thoughts. "If i let all of you run out into the street i could lose my job" she tells him, he snaps back at her "we could lose our lives" in all fairness, he had a point, yet again, i mean, the fire is getting closer and closer by the second, it's not safe in this bus anymore.

"I kind of think that's more important than your shitty minimum wage job" okayyyy so , is it true? Yes but uncalled for that time? Also yes, "can you stop recording me, please?" Renata asks as she turns around to look at Austin who has his phone facing her, set on record. "Fuck no, this is evidence for my parents when they pull my dead body out of here" Austin answers her.

My Moon, your Star (LB)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя