For the future

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(I had the worst mental breakdown of TOH ending and I'M BACK BABY!!!)

*A few months ago.*

"I'm so happy I had you as a big sister. "
"KING NOOO!!! "   Luz yelled
"And you're not leaving with HER!"
"HUNTER, LET GO OF ME! "  I yelled
"I'M NOT LOSING YOU!  YOU'RE MY LITTLE SISTER AND IT'S MY  JOB TO PROTECT YOU! " He Yelled back with tears in his eyes pulling me
" I'll find my own way to get to you just promise me you'll be happy. "  I begged
"I promise! "  He agreed

I let go.

And the portal door closed

A few months ago I lost My brother.

And now I'm with King and The collector,

I was at the archive house with Odalia and that's when King and The Collector showed up.

I was wondering around the puppets trying to find one of kikimora from all the free time I had. Since the collector is kind of clingy, if they found out I would have been zapped into a puppet in no time.

"Hey N/n!!! "  They Collector Yelled

"Hi collector! Are we having pizza bagels again? "

"YEA!!! "

King followed after Them,

"Hey Y/n."  king whispered
"Hey king. "  I did back

With The Hex side Squad

"Is Y/n Here? " Hunter Asked

"Well No but I've seen her around the isles a few times the last time I saw her she was getting whisked away by the collector. " Mattholomoule said ( His name is hard to spell)

Hunter shedded a small tear
" It's ok hunter, We'll find her. " Willow whispered to him

Back with the Collector

"N/nnnnnnnnnnn. Where are you going? " The collector asked, slightly suspicious

"Im uhhh-going to the- ummmm uh-"

"You have nowhere to go since you can't say it! How about we cuddle, it's a thing humans do to show affection."

"What? Why would you wanna cuddle with me? " Y/n asked as she pointed to herself

"Maybe'repretty. Idonno" The collector said scrambling with their words

"How about we do that later.... " Y/n said as she kissed them on the cheek

"I'm gonna go hunt some faries for some fairy pie. " Y/n said again

"Love ya. "

"You too! "

A few minutes later after king came and left

"Hey Y/n."  King said
"Hey..... " Y/n Muttered

"Hey, what's wrong? " King asked
"Am I lying to the collector? Scheming behind their back? They trust me and I'm throwing that trust away by planning their downfall. "  Y/n asked hyperventilating

"He-Hey, it's ok, chill. you're not lying to them, this is just what needs to be done." King explained
"O-ok." Y/n said walking to where Eda and Lillith were

Y/n heard and saw a full blast of dark purple
Eh could be anyone
With Baine And collector
(Since belos is possessing raine's body I just mixed it)
"You know that witch that you love so much. " Baine started

"Yeah?" Collector replied

"Well I heard that She's not a very good lover, to think of it... Has she ever shown any affection towards you? " Baine said leaving the Collector quite confused and a little heart broken that it might be true

"Well, A few hours ago she kissed my cheek. "
Collector replied

"That was just a few hours ago, collector.. And that's all she did today? I'm sensing that she had lost interest in you, probably lied to you once or twice. " Baine said again

"Lied? Do you really think that she lied to me? "

"Most certainly. And your friend. "

"King and Y/n are lying to me!?!?"

(At the end)
"Luz! You got your Palisman!! " Y/n Yelled

"Y/n?! " Hunter asked

"Yes it's me!!! " Y/n replied

"Hunter, this is your sister! Are you a grimwalker too? " Camila asked

"No, but... " Y/n said before showing her abilities
"Woah! I don't think that Eda  could even do that! " Gus said

While everyone was talking and enjoying eachothers company, something was lerking in the shadows

"See, I told you, Luz has come to help Y/n and king get rid of you for good.  What are you going to do collector? " Baine asked

The collector's eyes reddened and they started to float

"I think we're gonna play a little game... " The collector said before snapping his fingers

For the future :

Thank you guys for being sooo patient and I am really grateful for how much you guys read my book.  I might draw y/n for what I might see her I'm Her normal form and puppet form. Anyways I love y'all so much and I hope y'all have a good  Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Day

Ok I gtg get on this homework, I'm trying to get a scholarship!!! 

Kk byeeeeeee 

"Us weirdos have to stick together

806 words

Collector x Fem Reader Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora