Chapter 1 birthdays. Fun. age, not so much. (1 year before the letter)

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Birthdays. Most children said it was their favorite holiday, but as they got into their early teens the summer, winter, fall and spring festivals became much more important. But what most in their youth did not have to worry about was age.

However, for royal's things moved at a much faster pace. So fast it leaves most unprepared, inexperienced, and vulnerable. Some royals, if needed, will be crowned at ages as young as 13. The prime age with proper teachings is 18 which is why it is the most common age requirement. The age does vary from kingdom to kingdom.

However, Aelita had been one of the unlucky, unprepared, inexperienced, children the royal court had idiotically put into power at the young age of 13. But that had been in the past. 19 years ago, in the past in fact. Going on 20. She was now 32.

Aelita had grown into a wise, powerful and genuine queen. And by now had most of her kingdom's problems under control. The many that there were after her father's well deserved death. Aelita was never the queen who visited her subjects on the daily, but compared to her tyrant of a father she was a saint.

The morning had been quite uneventful, as per usual. Nothing was partially planned for that day other than a court meeting at 3:00 and it was 10:00 now. She had the morning to herself, and it would be spent with a book on flowers and botany, and a cup of wind berry tea.

The queen would never admit it, but the flora, fauna, biology, and ecosystem of the planet and kingdom was a large interest of hers.

"Just what I need after one long week," the queen smiled at the thought of tea and a good book.

"Your majesty?" a voice interrupted her thoughts causing her face to fall.

"Yes?" the queen signed out.

"Your majesty, you have a letter from the kingdom of Zithroa on the planet earth." the servant spoke in a bland voice.

The queen perked up at the mention Zithroa, it was one of the biggest kingdoms in the solar system and possibly galaxy, and more importantly one of the richest in resources, they had an army like no other, and the rulers were loved by just about everyone sound the solar system, king James, and queen Anne. who had a daughter princess Elliot, was also much beloved. This was why they were the head of the solar consul and would oversee almost all political disputes.

"Why would they be writing to a kingdom in the outer circle?" The queen's interest was now peeked.

"The letter was meant for your meeting with afternoon but-"

"I'll take it now," Aelita cut the servant off. Whatever he had to say would have been a waste of time, and she had things to attend too, like this mysterious letter.

The servant, surprised by the queen's haste, handed her the sealed envelope; the purple wax had been stamped with the Zithroa's emblem; a whale. One of the many creatures that levied within their waters.

Earth was a plant filled with all sorts of terin and didn't have simply one climate. There were deserts, oceans (where the beetle-whale lives), plains, tundra's, savannas, forest, rivers, lakes. This was the main reason on why their planet was A) so rich in resources and B) why it was the biggest and most used trade system. Entire space ports and towns were built for the sole purpose of trade.

"That will be all," she hummed, waving the servant away, who hurried out of her chambers.

The queen ripped open the envelope and took out its contents.

The letter itself. And a golden telescope, with whales engraved on it. The whales appeared to be swimming and jumping out of the waters.

"Curious," the queen muttered under her breath.

She turned her attention to the letter which read:

We regret to inform you that there have been complications among the planets and kingdoms to solve this issue. We invite and encourage you to come to earth. We plan on reassembling the sentence, solving the issue and getting on with trade and life as it was.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation, sighed: the king and queen of Zithroa.

The queen stared down at the paper in awe.

"Complications? What kind? Between whom? Will trade routes close?" the queen's mind raced at the thought of the trade routes closing. If that happened almost everyone would revolt against earth.

"Well now I need to go," Aelita began in her head, "besides, we invite and encourage you to come to earth seems more like a demand than an invite. That settles it then I'll bring it up with the court during the meeting this afternoon and begin my packing after," Aelita fished out loud.

But that was an issue for later, she set the letter and the telescope down after examining them one last time. for now, and the rest of her morning she would be reading her book on botany. And drinking her wild berry tea.

word count: 840

Elliot of the planet earthМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя